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Hello, to all my dear patreons, I bring you a new update (20/02) of the Resident Lust Village set (tentative title, subject to change)

Well first of all I have already started to make some images with Alcina, besides I have prepared the scenery for the third chapter of this set:

Yes, Ethan is passed out with his tongue out, no, I'm not going to leave him like that, yes, I'm having fun with this set xD.

(As always, please note that these images are "betas" of 100 samples and may contain minor errors which I'll address later).

This time I have also tried to divide my time between rendering a few images and keep on creating new poses as well as taking a couple of days off to avoid burnout.

So far I have about 11 new images/poses and 8 fully rendered images (the intro of the set, basically).


And... I have an announcement, which may disappoint some of you, and if so, I completely understand. 

I want to be very honest with all of you... at the beginning of this month, I considered myself able to complete all of the project by the mid or end of the month. However I have really underestimated the time it would take me to do it.

So... it seems unlikely that I'll be able to post the entire first part this month. However, I refuse to go another month without posting anything, so what I'm going to do is to split the whole set into 4 episodes.

This is something I hadn't initially planned for.
As you know, I prefer to wait until I have the entire set finished before posting it, even if it's lengthy. However, I don't want to keep you waiting another month for new content.

Therefore, I've decided to adopt this format, which I had planned to implement with other large sets in the future, although not under these circumstances and not with this project tbh.

You could say I'm trying to make the best of my situation.


Now, allow me to detail how the "4 episodes" format will work:

  • Episode 1 (Donna's Chapter): This episode will feature the introduction of the whole set and history (11 images) followed by Donna's intimate encounter with Ethan (30 images), totaling 40-45 images.
  • Episode 2 (Miranda's Chapter): Miranda's segment will consist of 51 images in total, with 33 of them showcasing explicit scenes involving Miranda and Ethan, with his own intro, while also laying the groundwork for Episode 3.
  • Episode 3 (3 Villains Chapter): This chapter will bring together the trio of villains - Alcina, Miranda, and Donna. It will mark Alcina's first appearance and showcase their sexual interactions with Ethan. The exact number of images for this episode is yet to be determined, but it will likely contain at least 30 or 40.
  • Episode 4 (Dimitrescu's Chapter): Wrapping up the set, this episode will focus solely on Dimitrescu. I'm still deliberating whether to place it timeframe before or after the initial three episodes. I'm inclined towards making it a sort of sequel, but nothing is confirmed yet. Alternatively, it might belong to a story set in an alternate universe. Expect this final episode to include at least another 50 images, potentially more, entirely devoted to Dimitrescu.

Each episode will have its own cover and accompanying text.


The first and second episodes (Donna and Miranda's episodes) are nearly complete.

I just need to polish a few elements and add some liquid effects. The script for Donna's episode is 60% complete, although I haven't started on Miranda's script yet.

Now, this is my plan: throughout this month of February, I'll be posting episode 1 of ''Resident Lust Village'' (a title under possible reconsideration),  focusing on Donna's narrative. Then, in the early weeks of March, anticipate the release of Miranda's chapter. Following that, approximately one or two weeks later, I'll post ''the villains'' episode.

I'll save the Dimitrescu episode for the end of March or possibly April, coinciding with the release of the next set of polls.
(Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the winners of the unpopular polls, those will come after episode 4 of Alcina).

As previously mentioned, this isn't a direction I initially intended for this set. However, I find it imperative unless I'm prepared to prolong the hiatus by another month, and that's something I definitely don't want to do. Besides that I want to be able to expand on this, enjoy the process of creating this set, so that I can bring you content of genuine value rather than a lackluster narrative or uninspired poses.

With that said, I'll try to bring you Donna's chapter during this week. Every time there's an update I'll update this post, or I may opt to create a new one (time will tell).

In any case, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and, especially, your patience. Your encouragement means the world to me, and I regret any inconvenience caused by this situation.

Until next time, take care and have a good night/day.


Hello to all my dear patreons. (new update 10/02)

As I promised last time, I bring you a couple of previews to show you the new outfits I prepared for Alcina, Donna and Miranda for this last stage.

Last time I said I would have these previews ready in two days or the day after the last update... and in theory it took a little longer than I had planned (a couple of hours considering where I live is 01:30 a.m. xD).


Let's start with Donna Beneviento:

This is the base outfit; I decided to add a lovely veil as a sort of nod to her original attire.

As I mentioned earlier, I was going to focus on giving them skimpy nighttime dresses, with matching jewelry. In Donna's case, it's silver combined with dark, almost black colors with certain bluish touches.

Donna also has slightly long black fingernails to match the rest of her outfit.


And that's all regarding Donna. I didn't show more shots of her nude body because I had already shown it previously, and I haven't made any changes to it.

Of course, if you want to appreciate the details better and view the images more closely, I've left these previews for download below in attachments.


Let's continue with Mother Miranda:

As previously mentioned, for this new stage, Miranda will be wearing her mask along with a black veil, in addition to having her claw-shaped gloves and possessing her original game hair.

Unlike Donna, I gave her a more gold jewelry combination with completely black colors.

And like Donna, her body remains completely intact and unchanged, with the only change being her outfit.

As with Donna's images, you can also download these below. Please note that there are tiny errors in her outfit (such as one of her bracelets piercing the skin near the armpit), of which I am already aware and will fix first thing tomorrow when I start working (this are small details that take less than a minute to fix)


And finally, saving the best for last (somewhat ironic since it was the first outfit I started to work xD)

Alcina Dimitrescu:

For her, I chose white colors that resembled the color scheme of her original dress with a more metallic and shiny tone. I left her original suit's hat, the claws (although she won't use them much, they're mainly for decoration), and I left a beautiful black/purpleish flower as a brooch attached to her floral-themed white cape (which it was in her original outfit).

Alcina is the one with the least jewelry on, although I am considering adding a pearl necklace and another pearl bracelet to her other arm. For now, she has a simple black necklace around her neck, a pearl bracelet, and pearl earrings.

I also decided to slightly adjust the saturation of her hair to make it appear a bit grayer (not too much, just a little) to enhance that ''milf vibe''

And yes, these images are also available for download below in case you want to take a closer look at Lady D's outfit.

(Personally this one is my favorite outfit)


And well, guys, that's all. As you may have noticed, I decided to give them all open-toe shoes to better appreciate their feet, along with certain details that gave them some resemblance to their original outfits.

Although I'll be honest with you, since this would be the "final stage," they will probably be dressed in only a couple of images.

Taking that last point into account, I've also considered adding "squishy" effects since they won't have clothes for long. I'll probably do it since it adds a nice detail to the final product, but if I do, I'll do it tomorrow, and you'll have to wait until the next update to see those changes.

Well, my dear Patreons, take care and have a good night. I'll try to bring you a new update in a couple of days (when another week has passed since the last update the one of 07/02). I'm off to bed, cya. :]





GYATT I think this is gonna be your best work, man.

Luis Velez

This awesome can not wait for the official release.


Exciting. Thank you for the update.


Your models are some of the best I've ever seen, bro I get hyped every time you release something.


Dude you're the goat.

Victor J. Oshields

gyaaat i cant wait to see lady D keep going you are the best

not maki

thank u goat


Looking forward to the completion of this project! Keep up the hard work and you’ll be done in no time.


Thanks for the update King


Thanks for the update. Will this set be released in parts or in one large whole batch?


In parts (although the first part will have more than 100 images xD). It's not something I really like, but that's the best way to bring content sooner rather than later.


Thanks. Really hoping the lactation works out, a nice additional kink. This is the set I've been waiting for, sure it'll be amazing.

Luis Velez

Amazing! Love the attention to detail. Quality work main reason I came here.

Red Seraph

Just seeing "boosted my confidence and helped me relax" + "Added some new scene" is EXACTLY what we all wanted for and from you Muffin. You provide a quality of work that I don't see anywhere else, so keep up the good work! I for one am in favor of lactation but again, that's up to you to decide, we wait for your release with great hope, stay healthy and dedicated Muffin, we all support you! :D P/s : No one gives a shit if it's in a cathedral or not lol


Undisputed greatest of all time. Your work is unreal.


Good morning. great pictures, great work. for my opinion, biggest tits for lady dimitrescu. or a breast expansion during drain energy. ( it's a vampire ). It's the ultimate woman who everybody wait🥰


In fact you reminded me of something! in theory I did change Lady D's body to better fit the dress, slightly reduce her bust size and lift it up, although once she loses the dress her breasts will increase in size and be a bit more saggy ;3. (something I forgot to reflect in the last images I shared where she is naked).


let him cook :)

Red Seraph

The 4 episodes thing is awesome, great initiative on your part Muffin! I personally vote for the Dimitrescu episode to follow along to the main story, but that's just me (also the bigger the better, I am of course talking about the size of the story, she is perfect as she is >:D ), anticipating the first episode with great hope!!


HELL YEAH! I was a little upset in the beginning when you weren't going Lady D one on one time with Ethan but now I am pumped for the 4th episode. this plan doesn't sound all that bad either, whatever makes it easier on you Muffin.

Mark Rogers

Looking forward to each of the episodes!

Luis Velez

Amazing thanks for the update! It looks great.


Mighty mighty need for some heavy preggo Donna 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

Dante Newman

Thank you for the update and dont be too hard on yourself. You & Your work are worth waiting for


Thank you for the update. Can't wait for the sets.

Kaworu Nagisa

Bro love your work!!! Finally somebody with taste to make thick cotton cheese asses

Kaworu Nagisa

Would be great to see some top tier anal gaping