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As always, you guys never cease to give me pleasant surprises :'), I really appreciate the patience and positivism you leave me in your comments (which I read all of them), thank you very much.

With that in mind, I will try to put less pressure on myself and enjoy more the process that is taking me to make this set (this does not mean that I will go slower, but that now I can finally... breathe a little bit, because it was weighing on me a lot that I was taking so long with this set). I really appreciate your support and again thank you for your patience and understanding. <3


Hello to all my beloved Patreons, I bring you a couple of WIPs from the latest set (Imagine waking up and the first thing you see is Angie xD).


Donna Stage.

As you can see, I've already finished Donna's stage, totaling around 23-25 images (approximately 16 of a sexual nature and the rest for the intro and to showcase her a bit) of her scene. In the end, I managed to include the scenes I wanted, where she practices urethral sounding on Ethan, additionally, in the end, I decided to add longer nails to the model, I feel they suit the situation better (Although, at the moment, it may not be noticeable in many of the beta images). This stage is somewhat like a warm-up before reaching the main stage. Next, I'll continue with Miranda's, and you can already see a couple of images at the end of how it's coming along.


Miranda Stage.

For Miranda's stage, as I mentioned before, I'm using the JAV KATU series as a reference. Supposedly, in the "dream/nightmare" that Ethan is having, Miranda is a mother, and Rose is supposedly in the stroller...supposedly.

I don't know yet, how many images this stage will have in total, but I want there to be at least 10 entirely sexual positions with Miranda, plus I would like to include a lactation fetish, but this... is not 100% sure, so don't take it for granted.

This scene will eventually merge with the last one where all three will be together, and that's when Alcina will make her appearance.


About the third stage, and other things.

It's worth noting that in this last stage, with all three together, Donna and Miranda will change outfits. Donna won't be wearing anything fancy, basically she'll be nude xD, but Miranda will have a special outfit that includes her mask, classic hair, veil, and possibly wings... although I'm still not sure about the wings.

At the moment, I have about 40 images created.

(This are betas)

I still need to render them and add some liquid effects. This indicates that this set will be the largest one I've done so far, keeping in mind that I still have a second part with only Alcina left to do.


A couple of decisions taken on the set and a sincere apology.

Taking this into account, I have decided to release this first part before the set is 100% finished, meaning I will divide it. But don't worry, as the first and second parts will not be connected in terms of the storyline. Considering what I've already accomplished, the first part will consist of at least 60 images (most likely more, keep in mind that we already have 40 finished and we are only half way through of the first part xD) given the amount of images, this first part will not feel incomplete at all.

I hope to have the first part ready in about two or three weeks, considering that the script is already completed.

I know many of you have been waiting for this set for quite a while, and I understand that it's taking time. The truth is, the whole moving process, the holiday season, that Chun-Li set that ended up costing me about a month, the relatives we visited earlier this month, and adjusting to this new environment have significantly disrupted my schedule. It's something I've only recently managed to get in order. I sincerely apologize for all these inconveniences. You've all been incredibly understanding and patient with me, something I will never stop expressing my gratitude for. I understand if some of you are getting tired of waiting, and I genuinely apologize for that. Once I finish this set, I'll make a couple of changes to the number of images I create for each comic/set so that they don't take as much time.


Well... that's all for now, I hope you have a good night/day and thank you for your support and patience, I will bring an update of this set before the end of the month btw, or at least I will try to, I will probably be able to show you already the finished Miranda stage and the beginning of the final stage. cya, and take care. :]

PS: I don't know how many of you were following me on Pixiv, but... recently, my account got deleted, so I had to create a new one. Here it is:


In case you want to follow me, please do so from there. Thank you.




Hey no apologies needed regarding the time. You asked us what we wanted - we voted in big numbers for a large set and we knew it would take a while! And we knew you had real life things to deal with. Resident Lust is literally the set that brought me here so I have no doubts it will be worth the wait. Hope everything is good bro and looking forward to it when it's finally done.


No problem. Thank you very much for the updates and for your hard work. Worth the waiting.


Yes don't change anything. It takes time, just keep everyone in the loop like you are doing now.


yeah bro don't worry about it. you deliver both quantity and quality work and thats hard to come by. go at you own pace and dont feel pressure to change a thing. i'm more than willing to wait for the final result. shiiiiiit i kinda want to see how you would re-do some of your old work, specifically school days with cloud, tifa, and scarlett. that was the one that got me to start supporting you. and everything after has kept me here


Hmm... to tell the truth, I see it unlikely to redo some old work 😅, but maybe a sort of sequel or ''remake'' so to speak, that's more possible. :]


Can u creat 3D porn of mcu frigga with a young peter parker ( frigga having sex with young peter parker ) in asgurd If u are willing to make it i am willing to pay money If interested plz massage me