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So, i've decided how i want harley and scarlet to look for their respective sets.

I'm still not sure with Harley i would like to make her a little slimmer, just a little bit, and reduce both of their bellies a little bit, maybe remove Harley's mole, but in theory they are all ready for the action.

For Harley I planned a classic threesome set, two university boys (young fellas, 20-22 years) and a girl (Harley).

For scarlet I have in mind something with a ''cheating'' thematic (Tifa fans are going to hate me).

I also want to add that I been really liking doing sets with this style, it has reminded me of some "mangas" that I have come to read, I have been taking a lot of inspiration from artists like "Orishibu, aomizuan and generalbutch" to name a few.

Anyways,  from now on I would like to implement this style (with this type of body) in my work, specially for milfs, obviously I would continue doing sets as I normally do, with fitter/muscular girls specially for those who are naturally fit (like street fighter chars), but I would like to be able to start to vary a bit.

Well, I want to warn you about this because judging the likes of Ada's wips and Mercy's first posters, it seems that many of you are not fans of this style which I understand, so I want to let you know that from now on I will implement this style in at least one set a month (at least) in case you want to stop your pledges or something, go ahead, I understand perfectly.

I also want to say something else, this month I have lost a lot of time in a single set (dumbass me), I will try to make these last days of this month worth as much time as possible for me, but if I do not manage to finish everything that I still have to, the next month possibly there will be no polls.

Because I still have a set with Chun li for a previous month (there are 3 sets that I still have to finish from 0) so , in case the last day of the month arrives and I still haven't finished everything that I have to take for granted that there will be no polls in June and I am very sorry for that.

As I already said on the Mercy set, in fact I have been 24/7 in blender, but this still happened, though if I finish the sets In the middle of June I will take some of the characters that came in second place in this month's polls for doing sets or posters, I am very sorry, I will really try for this not to happen again and start managing my times better, I'm sorry.

And well that... I'm sorry for for expanding myself too much xD, have a good day and take care.




I think that is a great idea. Keep it varied between fit and curvy so it will never become stale. I love your milfy body types


Doing awesome job man seriously your talented asf


Well, I, for one, welcome our new ultra thicc mommy overlords. I was going to only pledge once every few months but if you're gonna be regularly making sets with this new body type I'm definitely sticking around a bit longer.


Man I like em thicc, but this is way too much. I greatly prefer fit girls who are thicc in the right places. These look like their heads are too small for their bodies.


This new content is 100% incredible and would prefer this honestly


Really glad to hear that, thank you I really appreciate your support. ''Mommy overlords'' xD how appropriate, I'm definetly going to be using this type of body regularly, after all I really enjoying making content of this style


there is no such thing as too much! :P, nah I understand dude, I'm aware this type of body is not everyone's cup of tea, although I will still be using the classic body style, I like thiccnes in different ways :3