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Yep. Doing him was... interesting. First, i wanted an uncommon race, something not seen that often, so I went with an arab dude. In highschool, a good friend of mine was half-turkish, his last name was Zeiby, and he was the hairiest 18 year old dude you can imagine XD cool guy. anyways, i started looking for names, Nuur sounded kinda cool, but the thing is, every name I found, including nuur was like... "too arab" D: I needed a name closer to the overall naming i've been using since now, something simple and kinda-relatable. Deniz appeared on the search and i was like "oh that sounds about right". I have a couple sketches of him somewhere else, but i'll post those another day. We'll see a bit more of this guy in the near future.




Super dreads Deniz.


This guy. This guy is cool. I like him.