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After having a kinda sad day yesterday seeing how people just pledged, stole my comics in my face and ran away, today I woke up to this amazing piece of art. In case you don't identify him, the artist is Rajii, he's a chilean artist, but i'll let his work speak for itself (warning. LOTS of weiners): http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rajii/ http://rajiiscraps.tumblr.com/ we met eachother at FA a while ago but never had a lot of conversation. For around 2 years or so, I played WoW on a private server with just chileans. They are the most relaxed, chill, and funny people you could ever meet. So he sent me a note with this pic and i just screamed ned-flanders-style for straight 30 seconds. I'm sure some of you will appreciate it for it's amazingness. For it is not only an amazing porn pic, it's also very well achieved art-wise, there's a perfect rule of thirds going on, a dominant, subdominant and subordinate, a decently performed 3 vanishing point perspective, it's crazy sweet.




Just goes to show, boss, that your true friends and fans back you one hundred percent,.


Tanuki milk it does a body good!


Damn that's a nice rendering of your ladies. Super pro.