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This was sick! Long film but lots of themes and deep stuff



South Korea for Netflix VPN I think is the correct one

Connor Ellis

How are you watching on Amazon Prime? It's not available in the UK on Prime?

Inhuman Paradox

Love this film. Specifically, the way it makes a satire of 2000s CBMs the same way the original novel did of Silver Age comics. This is something lost on a lot of comic diehards who decried this film as being unfaithful and "misunderstanding Watchmen" for all the changes it made being too similar to typical CBMs. That's the point. Watchmen the comic parodied comics, the movie should parody movies. That's why Ozy has Schumacher nipples on his suit. That's why the sex scene is an awkward, dumb-looking slow-mo scene. That's why there's over the top fights. It's making a mockery of films like 2003 Daredevil the same way Alan Moore made a mockery of Silver Age comics. Every change made in adaptation was either in service of that, or in service of making the movie fit in under 4 hours (Such as cutting Black Freighter, all the supplementary chapters, and the Squid which required a lot of explanation to work).

Jeff Cabrera

This is definitely one of those comics that is fleshed out more than a traditional story. The writer, Alan Moore, is infamous for hating the films adapting his work because he does not feel like they can be done justice in a different medium. As stated above, this is a satire of traditional superhero stories and, IMO, is the one that paved the way for others to exist (like The Boys). Overall, I liked it. I think the HBO show also does a good job of expanding upon the original story as a sequel (not necessarily to this film, but to the original comic). I would recommend V for Vendetta to add to your watchlist as well (also based on a comic by Alan Moore).


I do think this is a really solid film but I do think it meanders a little too much, even if it makes things come full circle eventually. At several points during the first 2/3rds I thought to myself where are things going, not because the overall plot wasn't setup but because it was delving into side plots quite a bit. Definitely a pretty clever and thought provoking one. So many threads and phrases said throughout that made sense by the end, probably many I didn't notice as well. Snyder seems to give unique vibes to each of his films which I really like honestly. Be interesting to see more of his stuff eventually.

Balazs Foldes

Yay, I like this movie! I like the graphic novel a little more, though. It's not much more in scope or story. There are even more background materials in it. Like, lots of newspaper pieces and book excerpts and what-not, in universe, explaining the histories in more details. Oh, and there is an in-universe comic book story (a kind of pirate horror story) which comes up from time to time which was left out of the movie. Also, the master plan of Ozymandias is slightly different - same basic concept (uniting the world with an imaginery outside threat). Only he was using a different kind of fabricated threat, not Doctor Manhatten's threat himself. But, anyway, I think this adaptation was pretty good. They tried to be faithful to a lot of things, and even adapted a lot of iconic pages almost frame by frame. Really, a loyal and fait job. And the cinematography is beautiful. As a movie, I also felt that sometimes it is a little slowish or possibly difficult to follow for 1st watch if you do not know the graphic novel. But you, Seb, coped with it pretty well, I think, don't feel ashamed! Also, with you less in-depth knowledge of US history, I think you have probably skipped a couple of interesting things. Such as, Nixon being the president in the 80s, elected for the 8th time (or whatever was the number) - probably because of winning the Vietnam war thanks to Doc Manhatten, and then retaining power instead of getting into the Watergate scandal. Anyway, thank you for the reaction, it was fun watching this again with you!


what version is he even watching, doesn't seem to line up with any of them


You should watch the Watchmen series on HBO! So good!!!!


just the regular watchmen on hbo max, i thought it was the 3 hour one


got there is the end, just the regular not-directors cut. was quite surprised I still had the DVD, most got passed along to someone else when the special edition came along


no version is lining up...


it's just the regular version that is available on HBO and Netflix depending on what's available


i give up. THERE IS LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE VERSION THAT LINES UP. Idfk where he watched this...but it's definitely not the directors cut.


I think he reacted to the theatrical version from looking up the different film lengths. Whatever is 2h42 is the one


I kinda tried that too, still didn't work. Thx anyway

Jacob Jones

Love this movie. Yeah first watch I also had zero idea what was happening or what everyone was rambling about, I was bored by half of it and just entranced by the other half of it (mostly visuals) But on my re-watch knowing the plot ahead of time really let me enjoy the movie. The long rambling dialogue starts to make sense etc. they are actually saying some interesting stuff. Might have been unintentional, but I feel like Zack Snyder made this film work better for people who already know the plot. Dr. Manhattan is just so inherently interesting, love that whole backstory sequence.