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The blind bandittt. Clearly a new important character is here and she kicks some ass!


Atla s2 ep 6 pt.mp4


Colleen T McClintock

This is the one I think we've all been waiting for, for a really long time. Toph >>>>>>>


I feel like Toph was probably my favourite character from the series, but I haven't watched it in 15 years pretty much so will see if I feel the same going through the lot now. Is such a great introduction for her, is very Daredevil-esque. You said the fighting felt like anime, oh just wait for all the classic tournament arcs in anime! 😂

Audrey Bowen

I had heard somewhere they tried to get Dwayne Johnson to voice The Boulder (for obvious reasons), but couldn't get him because of scheduling conflicts or something. So they cast Mick Foley instead, a friend of The Rock who is also a wrestler.

Audrey Bowen

Yeah, Toph is one of my favorite characters. She's so badass. But nobody can surpass Iroh for me. So excited to have Toph in the gang now!


Loved this episode and the reveal/introduction of Toph who is probably one of the most talked about character we've been anxiously waiting for you to meet! I also love the little details in this episode the go over most people's heads - 1) When Aang mentioned to those two punks at the Earthbending Academy that they're looking for a "girl in a white dress with a pet flying boar" they said the flying boar is a symbol of the Bei Fong family but that they didn't have a daughter. Toph had been so sheltered her entire life outside people didn't even know the Bei Fong family had a daughter, which she references at the end "I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world" 2) When the Boulder talks to Xin Fu about how he saw Aang strike but didn't see any Earthbending, "nothing made contact" and accused Aang and Toph of cheating and splitting the money. Airbending can't be seen in their world, just like in ours we can't see air when we breathe/blow/etc., we just see its effects on the surroundings, but we can see it in the show as the viewers cause it's drawn that way for us, otherwise we'd just see things floating around/blowing around every time Aang airbended which would look weird :)


it's always so weird to rewatch the first season of atla since its just sokka, katara, and aang at first. toph fits into the team so well it's hard to remember that she wasn't there from the beginning. congrats on officially meeting one of the most op characters in the atla universe!

Nate Terry

as stated above, they modeled the Boulder off of the wrestler "The Rock" he even speaks in the 3rd person like him too. Also, the "Fire Nation Man" is an earthbender whose wrestling character is a Fire Nation man. this is a common trope in the WWE to create a comedic character who is from another country who never wins. Im from the midwest USA. the WWE was a requirement to watch every week lol

Nate Terry

Also, the budget for this episode went WAY up. the animation for earthbending greatly improved for the Toph character reveal. you'll notice animation hikes for certain episodes lets you know its a big episode


You've finally met my favorite character of the entire series! She really transforms this show.

Kai d'T

You've finally met the final of my top 3 favorite characters. Fucking love Toph. Such a good episode.