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This film goess harddd! So much jampacked action in this and it is really a rollercoaster of emotions too!

Hope you guys enjoy and would love to hear your thoughts on this one :)


(No title)


Ian Mossner

The Last Jedi is the only good Star Wars film.

Jordy Van T Zand

Please just watch the sequels. They may not be the best, but I still found them highly entertaining

Ana Mendes

Will you be watching the sequel trilogy? I think you'd enjoy it. Overall I feel like the sequel trilogy is more enjoyable than the prequels.


I don't get the hate for some of the Star Wars movies. I liked them all. Highly entertaining. It's not like Star Wars was some high art concept that was ruined. It's a freaking Soap Opera in space. Even George Lucas said that...


Definitely the best of the prequels. I'd be interested to see your reactions and opinions on the sequels. There's some very opposite and very strong opinions within the Star Wars fanbase about those.


The Clone Wars is amazing! If you ever change your mind about it being too long then I'd love it if you'd watch it. A lot of the things in The Mandalorian and I assume also Book of Boba Fett will be better if you've seen it and maybe Rebels.


hmm after watching the original trilogy and prequels over the last few weeks I'm not sure but this is possibly my favourite. Lost a lot of the cringy lines of the previous 2 films and was better acting in general from all the characters I think. Was full of action and interesting plot. Was a lot of weight to scenes where things were turning and the attacks against the Jedi. The fights between Ani/Obi and Yoda/Palp felt so hype, I think weirdly more hype because we knew they all live so wasn't really sure what was going to happen. I watched them in numerical order originally even though of course I knew parts of it already as does most people without watching them. So I have never properly felt Vader as this pure evil being, even in the original trilogy there is so much hesitation and leniency he gives towards Luke, as well as he obviously kills the Emperor in the end. Ultimately he was a good person who wasn't that clever and got manipulated by someone who was very clever and after that the dark side messed with his mind. In a simplified way that's how I see him at least. I've seen maybe one of the sequels, not sure. I dunno if they are truly bad or it's just undeserved hate. I think these prequels are hated more than necessary. They aren't pinnacles of cinema but they are still fun and enjoyable for the most part.


Yeah if you're wanting to watch a movie with a happy ending this for sure is not the one xD I didn't hate the sequel trilogy, but also didn't love it. I quite enjoyed the stand alone movie Rogue One actually, I thought that was done pretty well - takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, focuses on the Death Star a lot. Darth Plagueis was Palpatine's master, yes. There's a fantastic book by James Luceno simply called Darth Plagueis - tells the story of Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, and is widely thought to be the best Star Wars non-canon stories. There's an audiobook as well which is really great, amazing narration and even has sort of an underlying score, as well as certain sound effects, so it's a whole production basically. I really hope that on of the many Star Wars projects that are coming will delve into Plagueis, and I'd love for this particular book to be the base for it!


My aunt started watching Star Wars with me around 2 months after Episode IX came out and she actually liked all of them. A lot of people I know who are not hugely into Star Wars or started late feel the same. Most people my age (~25) prefer the prequels and hate the sequels, which is weird. I quite liked them, but they aren't great.

Steven Jump

Seb here's a couple of things you may not know. Hayden Christensen begged George Lucas to let him wear the Vader suit in the film. Originally Lucas was just going to use a stuntman in those final scenes. Also the battle on the Wookies planet is what Lucas wanted to do in Return of the Jedi ,but he couldn't find enough really tall actors to play them. So he created the Ewoks instead.

Steve Boutet

Enjoyed the reaction! Started the Clone Wars last year and enjoyed the half dozen I watched. I will probably start again at some point, but the thought of it is daunting. I would watch Rogue One for sure. I found it excellent and saw it in the theater 4 times. I also liked Solo...it was a fun, Saturday matinee, popcorn type movie, and I enjoyed the Han Solo origin aspects of the whole thing. I know there's a ton of hate for that one, but if you go into it with the idea that it's a space romp, it's enjoyable. I also like Episodes VII, VII, and IX, but as with any big movie made by a huge entertainment corporation, it feels like the movies are trying to check off as many boxes as possible. I don't think they deserve the amount of hate that they get, but I'm not a super diehard fan who laments a movie taking a different direction than I expected. Just a normal, casual fan that experienced A New Hope in the theater back in '77 as a 16 year old and loved it. Have always accepted wherever George Lucas and successors have taken us for the ride. Revenge of the Sith is the one movie I didn't see in the theater, and obviously, wished I had. Looking forward to whatevers next!

Balazs Foldes

Oooh, I felt a little tired today, but couldn't NOT watch this reaction all through. :) I can totally feel for you, Seb. This is a sad enging. People, somebody give our Seb the happy ending he craves! Yes, this was a really good movie. I remember playing things through so many times after leaving the movie. That's the sign of a really good movie. This was a good movie, I incredibly enjoyed how all the schemes and plans came together. It's so satisfying... and Palpatine's voice, yeah, that's another level of acting. Ian McDiarmid is just amazing. He played Palpatine first in Return of the Jedi, at the age of 39 or so. Obviously, behinds many-many layers of plastic, to appear ancient and wrinkled and scarred by the dark side. Then he grew up exactly at the right rate to act the younger senator-chancellor in the prequels (aged 55 at Phantom Menace, 58 at Attack of Clones, 61at Revenge of Sith). But he is wonderful at all stages. :)

Balazs Foldes

There were a couple of things I still did not like in this move, though. The 'Power! Unlimited Power!' line was just way too theatrical and cringy for me. Also, I felt that they built up Anakin's turning to the dark side over the three movies too slowly, and when it happened, it was just too much in too short a time. I mean, he was devastated, fine. He decides to follow the Sith for Padme, I can buy that. But immediately agreeing to the masacre of the younglings, betraying all friends and family he had so far... that was just too much for me. The Anakin I got to know over the three movies would have tried to trick his way out of this. Avoiding the real terrible sins, pretending to act along, just until he finds a way to save Padmé, so that he can then save the day... dunno. I guess the theoretical background must be that once you accept the dark side, it will just transform your soul and pull you in deep... more of a mythical change, not purely psychological. But it's just not credible enough for me, I was not sold about that scene. But otherwise, really good! :) Sequels: I guess you can go into it. In my view, they're not as bad as they are said to be. There are certainly some problems, lack of imagination in the 7th, lack of weight and magnitude in the second, and some confusing plot holes in the last, but overall, they are still enjoyable ones with some pretty good moments. I think the real haters are especially those people who are way too invested in original star wars lore and how the sequels are not completely in line, and people who have a difficulty with a little effort in suspension of disbelief. I'd say, go for them!

Cerin Moodley

you should watch rouge one it takes place after this movie and before the original trilogy, its a really good film tbf

Brad Johnson

Of the remaining movies do not miss out on Rouge One. Its by far the best Disney Star Wars.

Marcusinmilw (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-07 20:02:07 In case no one has recommended it yet, now that you have seen episode III, you should check out this outstanding fan made video from Star Wars Theory. It's only 16 minutes long and it's the best fan made content I have ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey68aMOV9gc&t=771s
2022-01-05 22:20:17 In case no one has recommended it yet, now that you have seen episode III, you should check out this outstanding fan made video from Star Wars Theory. It's only 16 minutes long and it's the best fan made content I have ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey68aMOV9gc&t=771s

In case no one has recommended it yet, now that you have seen episode III, you should check out this outstanding fan made video from Star Wars Theory. It's only 16 minutes long and it's the best fan made content I have ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey68aMOV9gc&t=771s

Robert Hawkins

He only described on of the films as a soap opera, they're space operas, very different things. And yes, I would say there is a high art idea, the pre-established lore. Something the sequel trilogy essentially makes fun of. Whilst they're probably better films than the prequels, they just do so much damage to Star Wars lore. Then there's the fact that it replaced tonnes of amazing EU stories, hence why they're not very popular.


In the end, a lot of people liked them regardless. Enough people, in fact, that they are making more. Kind of like a ride at the carnival. Once you get on, you have to ride it out, even if it sucks :P

Aegis Duensing

I do enjoy this movie. Although it isn't perfect, it is by far the best prequel. I implore you to watch the sequels at some point. You could really enjoy them and you'll never know if you don't watch. I personally enjoyed all of the sequels more than episodes I and II.


Absolutely, and it gives us the best ever scene of an iconic character.

Anthony Eggert

Yeah except they aren’t making more lmao. There is zero news of any future Star Wars movie projects coming in the next 3 to 5 years potentially. Atleast we have shows but the entire sequel era has been abandoned. So they are making more Star Wars but none of it has anything to do with the sequels. In fact due to episode 8 solo literally lost money

Inhuman Paradox

I enjoyed the first two more than Ep 1 and 2, and I enjoyed 9 more than 2 (AOTC is the absolute worst for me), but with 1 I can at least kinda laugh at how awful it is. 9, to me, is just dull and bland. Like Ep 2 but with less distracting CG. That said, I do think 7 and 8 get more crap than they deserve. 7 is still solidly entertaining, and 8, while certainly not doing what I wanted and being frustrating for me, at least has distinct ideas and a distinct style compared to the more retro-feel of the other two sequels (It is still a Rian Johnson movie, and he does know how to be distinct. I give the same credit to Zack Snyder regardless of how I feel about his films, I'll always appreciate a unique style).


Best one of the 3! The sequels are actually really good. I thought they were better than the prequels (1 and 2 for sure), but maybe that's just me. Rogue One is a must.

Inhuman Paradox

Solo didn't lose money because of Ep 8, which had good box office legs. Solo lost money because it was barely marketed, forgettable, poorly reviewed, and released in the same timespan as INFINITY WAR. No film released around that time would've been successful.


Definitely do the sequels, even if it's just on your own! Because they're not cringe even in the slightest! They're actually extremely well made movies, the only reason people hate on them so much is because of the storylines. The plots themselves, objectively, are really good but star wars fans hate them because they break away from some of the previous storylines a bit and change the lore. I personally think they're fantastic films and I know you'd enjoy them because they're exceptionally made. If u are a massive fan of STAR WARS, then I would just go in with the mindset that they're star wars spin offs or something, but otherwise if u don't have a stick up ur butt about the lore and details of the star wars universe then I think you'll love them as they are. Yes, they have their flaws, but they're better made movies than any of the previous ones and just as a film trilogy, outside of star wars, they're extremely entertaining and engaging to watch. So ya, hardcore star wars fans are the only ones that hate the trilogy because it messes with what they've come to know about the story and everything (even though it really isn't that bad), because casual viewers who either have never seen the previous films or have no emotional connection to them all think they're pretty good! And having been a viewer of yours, I've noticed that a lot of the time u are able to separate films from their franchises and appreciate them for what they are, rather than comparing them to the films that came prior (for example, what u did with all the spider man movies), so because of that I think you will really be able to appreciate the sequels. I personally think they're really good, and as films i would much rather watch them than any of the other ones (other than revenge of the sith cuz it's just so good). And also a lot of people don't like them because they don't feel like star wars films, which they don't. And i think it's because of the improved CGI, better writing, acting, and directing. It all feels much more serious, rather than the slight goofiness and fun that the others gave off because of George Lucas's way of writing and directing.

Jacob A

please react to rogue one next you'll love it

Chandler McCoy

Great reaction! I hope you watch Rogue One, it's my favorite Star Wars and certainly the best Disney one. It's basically the Saving Private Ryan of Star Wars

Inhuman Paradox

Fun fact: Contrary to popular belief, Padme dying due to a broken heart is actually realistic. There's a medical condition called Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (More commonly referred to as "Broken Heart Syndrome") where an extreme onslaught of depression can weaken the heart muscle and shut down organs. Combined with the bodily stress of childbirth, it can be fatal. Anakin caused Padme's own death by breaking her heart, which caused Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. She wouldn't have died otherwise. As well, the Qui-Gon line was about becoming "One with the Force". Not every Jedi can become a Force Ghost after death, but Qui-Gon did, which Yoda interprets as immortality.


I get that you might wanna hold off with the recent trilogy, but you should definately watch Rogue One. Its set between these 3 and the original 3 movies. Perfect timing

Shawn Looney

Great reaction video! I'll agree with the other commenters and suggest "Rogue One" definitely should be on the list to watch. It's one of my favorites. Maybe watch "A New Hope" again beforehand if you've forgotten a lot of it.

Elsa B (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-07 20:02:05 unpopular opinion but the latest Star Wars trilogy is my favourite ❤️‍🔥
2022-01-06 07:43:02 unpopular opinion but the latest Star Wars trilogy is my favourite ❤️‍🔥

unpopular opinion but the latest Star Wars trilogy is my favourite ❤️‍🔥

Jack Grennan

Please please don’t let listen to the haters on the sequels. Give them a fair shot. The first two are really good.

Shawn Looney

I'd also recommend "Clone Wars" and "Rebels" before watching "The Mandalorian". There are some very good lists on the internet of just the "essential" episodes if you want to keep it manageable. A good mix of both series would be the Ahsoka Tano essential episodes listed here: https://filmnetic.com/2020/12/17/ahsoka-tano-crash-course-every-important-episode-of-the-clone-wars-to-understand-the-legendary-jedi/


Great reaction, I honestly don't mind if you watch the Disney trilogy, it would depend how I'm feeling on the day if I watch your reaction of them, they just dont entertain me.

Nate Terry

the Qui Gon Jin line at the end with Yoda was refering to teaching Kenobi how to become a force ghost. this ability isn't seen at all throughout the prequels, so it isnt something jedi know to do. I think i heard George Lucas say once that the prequels is basically the "tragedy of Darth Vader." i thought of that after you said several times this is a sad movie, and you would never see vader the same now.

Robert Hawkins

Wait what movies are we talking about. I wasn't aware of any lol...sequels seem to have killed off star wars movies


The first Sequel is ok even tho its still pretty bad but the second one is the worst thing i have ever seen. The main character literally doesn’t even have to train in order to became a powerful jedi like all the other Jedi did in the previous movies, shes just automatically powerful because shes a female…the only thing i like about the sequels is kylo ren and somehow they even screwd his character up. They made luke feel like weak even tho he is the most powerful Jedi and he didn’t even feel like the hero that he was in the originals, the movies were so good that they made my childhood characters bad


They are good movies but as Star Wars movies they are horrendous and the reason they don’t feel like Star Wars films is because the main character is powerful from the start and she doesn’t have to train in order to learn how to be a Jedi. They make the wonderful characters that George Lucas created seem weak. The reason people value the originals and prequels over the sequels is the fact that you can actually see the struggle that main characters have to go through in order to become great. They get all these cool actors and make their characters feel dumb and useless, the only thing that John boyega(Finn) did in the movie was yell REY!!! And that’s it. That character had so much potential and they just ruined it. And the fact that they bringe palpatine back was just a slap in George lucas face. Because he crated this great story arc with anakin and then when Vader finally comes back to the light and destroys the sith like the prophesy says they jus bring him Back and make anakins sacrifice seem like nothing..

Nora Bossa

Rogue One. ROGUE ONE.

Eamon Vegt

Enjoyed your reaction. Also, ROGUE ONE.


You can tell the babies apart by the score that was playing -- Leia and Luke each have a very iconic theme! I saw Episode 7 in theater and it was a great experience watching with a big crowd. Episode 8 was horrible, so I don't think I'll even give Episode 9 a try... Heard many good things about Rogue One though, as others have commented, so would be great to watch it with you! If you are going to watch The Mandalorian, can I suggest reacting to at least the series premiere and season 2 finale?


ya that's exactly why i said as star wars movies they're not great. But still, I think Seb would enjoy them as movies. If he was some crazy star wars fanatic then maybe i wouldn't suggest it, but since he only recently watched the originals and the prequels, I still think he'd be able to watch the sequels and appreciate them for what they are just in terms of movies. And whether or not he will end up enjoying them and whether or not fans like them, I still think they're worth him watching. I don't think it makes sense for him to not watch them just cuz some hardcore star wars fans don't like them when there's plenty of other people that do.

Gabriel Connolly

The sequels suck in my opinion but you should watch them cause you might like them, plus the first one is actually quite good, let’s not talk about the other 2 though cause I might be sick

Colleen T McClintock

I could take or leave the sequels but I enjoyed them and personally don't think they're as horrendous as everyone says. People felt this way about the prequels, now they don't so much. People even hated Empire Strikes Back when it first came out, now it's arguably the most loved of them all. The sequels do leave *a lot* to be desired for sure, but, the first one, The Force Awakens, is pretty damn good and had a lot of promise. It's all worth a watch, at least to form your own opinion. It's not a waste of time. What I will say is that Rogue One is absolutely 1000% worth a watch. Fantastic stuff.

Cai Hughes

I personally loved the sequels, I’ve been a Star Wars fan for all my life practically and left each movie emotional asf lmao. Rouge one was amazing same with Solo very nostalgic. Episode 7 was a great start to Star Wars again, episode 8 is a bit slow but overall I really enjoyed it and episode 9 got be in the feels and had so many chills


I loved your reaction, especially your musing at the end. What is there for Vader now? Anger. Anger driven by guilt, and his master, who he now hates. It makes you really think about ANH and TESB, the barely restrained anger in James Earl Jones' voice and how, after Tarkin's death, Vader slips the leash and starts killing people. Thanks for sharing!

Henry Carhart

I really want you to watch the sequel trilogy! I think there's a lot of good stuff in them.


Loved watching this, so many insights you had along the way (and damn, innuendo after innuendo had me chuckling.) I think there are some good Clone Wars episodes, but the whole series, no. Maybe you can ask someone to curate a list of key episodes, because it dramatically adds to the story and understanding of Star Wars lore. There are a few key episodes that set up The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Darth Maul, The Bad Batch… a curated list of 12-25 episodes, they go super fast at only 25 min each. Many of the multi-episode arc’s could be edited into 1 30min YT reaction, there would be views! Since you just watched Rouge One, I think Andor is a prequel to Rouge One. I’m only two episodes in, it’s good, and people are saying it’s the grittiest Star Wars, like Netflix Daredevil. Plus it’s hot on the YouTube algorithm right now. And the sequel trilogy, hold off on that for some time, it’s ok, but with all the other contexts. Cheers