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Oh yes.. Starting the Batman Trilogy!

This film was outstanding and we will be going through these weekly with Dark Knight next week! Would love to hear what you guys thought of this film

Enjoy :)



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OMG?? are you getting into DC now? the emo version of marvel lol

Jeff Cabrera

Bruh, you’re not even ready for the Nolan-verse! I’m so hyped for you 😂 Tbh when this movie was first released, I didn’t appreciate it as much as I do now (I was younger/lacked film taste therefore I was salty that it was missing the camp of the original films). But boy was I wrong. Nolan gets bonus points for exploring a section of the Batman mythology not previously adapted (considering his famous rogues gallery). And of course, how can I forget Hans Zimmer! The score for these movies introduced me to his music and he’s literally one of my favorite composers now (if not my favorite). I’ve become such a big fan of Batman comics now, as is probably apparent 😅


bro yes! such a hype trilogy!!!!!!!!! for some idiotic reason i watched these movies in reverse order, so finishing off the trilogy with his backstory was actaully kind of cool. but prob woulve been better for me to watch them in order.

Colleen T McClintock

Screaming. I’ve always wondered if you already had seen these or if you would ever do them, and I am beside myself with joy. I cannot express what a special place this trilogy holds in my heart. I feel like it primed me for the MCU down the line. And yeah this movie is great. I loved it and I remember a lot of people being ambivalent at the time. But I thought Christian Bale was the perfect Bruce Wayne and Michael Caine the perfect Alfred. The next one… might turn you inside out with how insane it is. Every single person in it acts their ass off and is iconic in their role… esp Heath. The hype around it and him at the time was so palpable. Nostalgia :-)

James Allen

Omg you played the Arkham games too?! I swear they're still my favourite version of Batman 👌🏻 I'm looking forward to this, I haven't seen these movies in AAAAGES. I was expecting Witcher to be out today, is there a schedule for those episodes or is it whenever you can squeeze 'em in? Either way, I don't mind 😁


OMG! I love this trilogy. Specially The Dark Knight, but people don't talk enough about how good Batman Begins is. And I hope this will interest you in checking more Christopher Nolan movies.

Jeff Cabrera

“might turn you inside out” Woah 😳🤭 (But also, accurate 🤣🤣🤣)

Angie H.

you are going to have so much fun with these 😭


Best Batman movie


Christopher Nolan + Hans Zimmer, there will never be a better set of DC films surely. Let alone the stellar set of actors in this. I haven't watched some of these films in like 13 years or something, and I wasn't in a good place at the time so I feel like I can appreciate them a lot more now. Also I had no clue Joffrey was in this? What the hell! I honestly thought GoT was his first and last outing for acting. He did a pretty good job for that age as well.


Getting some out tomorrow hopefully. Want to try and fjnish it before 17th! Just got alot to watch

Balazs Foldes

Good reactions, I'm happy you appreciated it. I remember first watching this when it first came out, I was very impressed on its different take of the Batman franchise. Really, after Batman & Robin, there were no Batman movies for almost 10 years. And that was because the movies were becoming too frivolous, too comicy, could not be taken seriously. And then, Nolan comes, resurrects Batman, and creates this. With the self-control to keep a Batman suit out of the first hour or so. Keeping the movie serious, and realistic, dark, and so uplifting. With clear and strong symbolism, themes... it's a masterpiece. We all want to be Batmans after this, for sure! I bet you were trying out your 'I'M BATMAN' voice for a few hours after watching, right? :D

Lee David Russell

As much as I love the MCU, I've always preferred the darker, more serious tone of DC. Batman is definitely my favourite superhero and Christopher Nolan's trilogy is certainly the best Batman we've seen on screen so far. I'm really glad to see you enjoy this movie so much, and as usual I had a big smile on my face seeing you get hype at all the exciting moments. Totally agree with you about the music playing a big part in the effectiveness of the film as well. Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard composed such incredible scores for these movies, and I find myself listening to the soundtracks quite often. Very excited to see your reaction to the next two movies 💙


Really enjoyed this reaction! You'll scream from excitement on The Dark Knight, no question! You should definitely watch the old ones as well if you've not seen them - they are so camp and extremely theatrical, but so iconic xD Tim Burton's Batman from 1989 and Batman Returns from 1992 are amazing, the style is so cool, and they are super entertaining! Joel Schumacher's 1995 Batman Forever and 1997 Batman & Robin are fun to watch, but for sure not great works of art xD The fact that Batman and Robin's suits have nipples says it all really xD But Tim Burton's! Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Christopher Walken, what's not to love :D By the way, for quite a few of the last reactions I've noticed that even when starting up sync'ed perfectly with yours, after a few minutes, your version seems to be almost 30seconds ahead - my guess would be something to do with the frame rate from your screen recorder/render export settings compared to the actual frame rate of the movie? I find myself pausing your video to catch up quite often, which is sort of a shame :/


I think it's something to do with old films where the framerate seems to be different between versions. Maybe SD has a different framerate to HD or something. I've only had it as an issue on his reactions that were from films from the early 2000s and noticed someone say similar to Titanic (1997) though Seb had a quicker version for that one to others. I even checked with a timer when he used to have a clock on his vids and it was in time. I think I worked it out similar to someone else in that it's around a 0.96x speed when it happens. As an example my LOTR extended DVDs were way out of time with his reactions, but when I found a stream online it was in time with the reactions. Just a version issue I think.


Cant wait for you to see the dark knight, my favourite batman film and christian bale's performance was outstanding. Heath Ledger as the joker, perfect for the role...may he rest in peace <3


I had a quick look at Batman Begins and there is a 2h14 version and a 2h20 version, which comes out to 0.96x again. I think Seb was reacting to the 2h20 version since mine was synced fine. Elf has a 1h32 and 1h37 version Love Actually has a 2h09 and 2h14 version It seems like Seb almost always has the longer version 👀


I'm much more of a Marvel fan than DC fan, but I love the Nolan Batman movies. Somehow, Batman's origin story had never been told in a movie before this. It was great to see it. One thing this trilogy does that's different than usual for superhero movies is there's actually no super powers or anything that couldn't exist in the real world. For example, Ra's al Ghul isn't immortal. Hans Zimmer is amazing. He worked on several Nolan movies and they're even better together.

Aegis Duensing

Such a good movie and a great setup for the rest...Also, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you don't know who Rutger Hauer is - the guy that was fired at the end you compared to Anthony Hopkins... He was one of the main guys in Blade Runner with Harrison Ford (among over 170 other things) - some iconic images and videos of him in that movie.


Makes sense, I was watching on HBO Max where it was 2 hours 14 minutes. Yeah, I haven't see any vids where mine was the "faster" one.


There are so many Batman Voice memes that I just can't take him seriously xD it's too hilarious. Great Reaction Seb xoxo <3


If you wanna do another Nola/Bale film, The Prestige is so good, you'll love it

Colleen T McClintock

Finally watched. Alright so, I love your reaction to this. Very great assessment about the origin story being stronger than Marvel although they’re such different beasts, hard to compare. But I’ll say, Dark Knight gets all the hype and rightfully so… but if you liked this one this much I also think you’ll *love* Dark Knight Rises, the last one. It’s overshadowed but omfg it’s so well done too and that villain is another of the all-time greats, imo… I won’t give away who it is, tho. Excited for next week. So many awesome movies and shows you’re into!!


Inception is my favourite Nolan movie, but I love The Prestige and it's not mentioned enough when people talk about his best movies.


Yeah, I feel like The Prestige gets ignored for some reason


I'm not sure what my favourite Nolan film is, but The Prestige was great. I've not seen all of his films but Tenet is the only one I ever found to be just only alright. He is easily my favourite director for now.


"She'll turn into MJ..." Seb thats hilarious for reasons you'll find out in Dark Knight :P

Joey LoCascio

You should totally stream the games


Batman vs Spiderman (maguire) was such an epic time. DC was better than MCU at movies then, oh boy did that change.

Inhuman Paradox

I think it was ignored due to timing. Not only was it released in the middle of the Batman trilogy when nobody was really caring about Nolan's more arthouse stuff (Until Inception which managed to do both arthouse and commercial styles), but it was also released around the same time as The Illusionist, another magician-focused film, and both films ended up kinda cancelling out the popularity of the other (Which is a shame because both were excellent).


I forgot about the illusionist lol, not a fan