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This is the first candidate for my next Visual Novel project with monthly builds. The screenshots are just for reference. They still need some work, so don't mind the little details.

I already told you a little about it in a prior post. My Crush... or My Uber-Hot Foreign Exchange Student Homestaying Crush! is the story of a young university student that is about to live the dream of every young man: A super hot exchange student is moving to his house! She's gonna live with him and his "uncle" (not his real uncle, but we will go back to that later), for a while (The Main Character doesn't have a name yet, but I might include the option for the player to name him inside the game, so let's just call him MC for now).

The MC notices right away that Sophie is way out of his league... but he can't help to harbor hopes for romance as this cheerful, outgoing girl quickly takes hold of his mind... and his heart. The fact that she usually wears extremely revealing clothes and has the habit of going around the house only wearing her underwear just helps to add more fuel to his longing!

This story was inspired in part by Takeda Hiromitsu's Homestay NTR and also in part by my original idea Clueless. I want to create a story in which the MC lives the typical living-under-the-same-roof situation that we often see in rom-com while also adding a lot of sexual tension and teasing to it. "Blue Balls" is the word here! I want Sophie to tease the shit out of the MC!! Driving him totally crazy for her!

However, I know teasing is not enough for a strong NTR story, so I'll also add some special moments, here and there, that will help to create a bond between them, that will give hope to the MC that maybe something can really happen between them! Little does he knows that Sophie is a based major slut that will pretty much fuck almost anything with a cock! (except the MC).

This will be Mystery NTR, with a little feel of BSS (netorare slang that stands for: "Even though I loved her first"). Since this will be a slice of life, I'm planning (still not sure, though) to give you the option of watching Sophie's POV right away after the MC's POV in every scene. That way you can decide if you want to be in the blind till the end or see what really happened right away.

Stealth sex will be the main focus. Sophie will have sex with pretty much anyone that fancies her interest or that makes the slightest advance on her. That will play against the MC since he's a gentleman! This will create a lot of situations in which the MC will be clueless about it, even though Sophie will be having sex right in front of him! (stealth sex in plain view is hard to come up with... but I have a couple of ideas already... and you're welcome to tell me yours).

There will be different sex partners for Sophie. Mostly "faceless" unimportant guys, but I want one main "villain". That will be the "uncle" that lives with them. He's not the MC's real uncle. He's like a godfather to him: A close friend of the family the MC sees as a "second father". The cool uncle that is always there for support (kind of guy). The MC is living with him because his house is near the college the MC attends (the same one Sophie will also be attending).

This "uncle" happens to be also a womanizer (that's why his ex-wife divorced him). I don't think he's a bad guy (he has always been supportive of the MC, after all)... It's just that, he's really weak to hot women... and Sophie is too much of a temptation for him. I imagine him as the guy that is always falling in the Walkway CGs ("Fishguy" as one Patreon nicknamed him because he thought he has a fish face LOL):

He seems like the kind of character I want the uncle to be: fun, nice guy, but with a weakness for beautiful young girls. Credits to 55b. The original character it's from him (the appearance, not the personality).

Nonetheless, if this project wins, I'll make a poll for you to decide the uncle's appearance between three options. Fishguy will be one (the fit/muscular DILF), another will be a more chubby/fat man, and maybe some skinny man as the third option... All of them will be middle age (around their 50's). Maybe I might also add an older man as a fourth option (in his 60's or even 70's... or even older).

Since this is my first time making monthly builds, this will be just a kinetic novel at first. I want to start with something simple (thus the slice-of-life format), and depending on how long it takes to create monthly content and also how popular this story becomes I might add a system later.

The system (if I add it) will consist of points based on choices:

  • Discovery points: These points will lead you to the Discovery route, in which the MC finds out Sophie's "real" face. In short, he will find out how much of a slut she really is and how she has been having sex behind his back (or even in front of him) while he was clueless about it (Broken Heart Ending... maybe with some Netorase feel to it).
  • Romance points: These points will lead you to the Romance route. If the MC collects enough of these he will be able to get into a relationship with Sophie... She might still cheat the shit out of him nonetheless... but hey! What the eye doesn't see... (False Happy Ending).

Might be also an intermediate route, in which the MC doesn't discover anything, but doesn't get enough Romance points, so he gets rejected by her at the end. And also maybe a special route in which he gets enough of both points and discovers the whole thing, but still goes on with the confession and she accepts... I'll worry more about the routes later.

Finally a special thanks to Duck アヒル for fixing the map for Sophie's room (there was an annoying default light embedded in the map that couldn't be removed by normal means, he removed it for me).

Oh!! almost forgot... I did already write the text for the intro scene. I'll put the first part of it in here as an attachment, so you can read it (if you want), to have a better feel for it. Keep in mind this is not the final version, for instance, I might remove all the baseball references and replace them with something more "universal" (something easier to understand for all readers). That scene goes with the first CG (She arrives at the house with a ton of luggage and they meet for the first time... Boy Meets Girl!!):

As always I'm open to suggestions!! So hit me with them!!

The poll is open:

Vote here!! 



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