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More than a month has passed and still no winner!!... Maybe the riddle was too hard this time... Or maybe you guys don't even care for the contest (☍﹏⁰)。 Nonetheless, here's the second hint, but first to refresh your memories the question you have to answer is:

What will Hiro give Kanon on White Day?

Hint #2: It's something she can put on.

Again the prize will be a commission or something else you wish I make (negotiable within the limits of reasonable).

Now let's go with the W.I.P. info:

This month, I've been primarily working on TDK 2.0 (Kanon's POV). I'm making advances and trying my best to release it in April as promised. The images I'm publishing are from the "intro scene" (except the last one). The intro scene alone has around 30 CG, so there will be around 200 new CG for TDK 2.0.

Now the vast majority of them won't be sex scenes, but I think they're necessary for the story. I like my characters to be really expressive to convey their personality... However I might cut that for future projects, so I can make faster releases.

There will be a total of 6 sex scenes in TDK 2.0 (in the strict sense of the word)... Since there are not that many, I'm trying to make them as hot and long as possible. I think a very looooong sex scene could get boring... so I'm considering that to make them long enough, but not that long so they get repetitive or boring.

The last picture is from a transition scene. There are a couple of those in the game. These transition scenes are short enough (but still a pain in the ass), so I'm counting them inside one of the other major scenes of the game (for indexing purposes).

Right now it's a little bit difficult to tell you which part I'm in, cause I'm jumping back and forth... so everything is a little bit chaotic at the moment. I'll try to make a rough estimate, so you can have an idea of my advance:

Intro scene: 90%

Changing room scene: 60%

Cafe scene: 90%

Cine scene: 35%

Bathroom scene: 20%

Final scene: 10%

The scenes on 90% are pretty much done, but I don't put the 100% because there are still corrections (Intro scene) or they are ready but still not coded into the script (Cafe scene).

Also not all the scenes are equal in length. The Changing room scene, for instance, is easily the longest in the whole game (and also the most difficult to make).

I was thinking of making a video of the first part. Once I finish the corrections on the intro scene, the game will be ready till the last part of the changing room scene. So maybe I can give you a glimpse of the first part (maybe 20%) before the end of the month. From the beginning to the first part of the changing room scene. So...

From here:

to roughly here:

The really juicy part begins right after that, so no major spoilers... but maybe you would prefer to be on the blind till the release... Mmmh... Let me know what you think.

I'll keep working on TDK 2.0, but I'll also be working on DOM from tomorrow, so I can give you a few more pages before the end of the month (hopefully till the end of the sex scene at last!).

Well, that's it for this Mini W.I.P. Info ("Mini"... right!!... I always write too much... ^_^"...).

Well, that's all for now... Thanks for your support and stay healthy!!



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