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TDK 2.0

This month I'll dedicate my heart and soul to completing TDK 2.0. I'll still work on my other current running stories, but TDK 2.0 will take priority. For that reason, I'll postpone the making of the 4th chapter of Kanon Valentine's Special until after the release (because it will consume too much time to complete the whole chapter). I'll work on a few more pages of DOM this month instead and maybe in the "epilogue" of the 3rd chapter of the Valentine series (4-6 pages). My goal is to release TDK 2.0 in April (and if possible this month... unlikely, but who knows).

The first picture is a W.I.P. of one of the Pin-Ups I'll release for the "Premium" version of TDK 2.0. The idea is to show Kanon in daily slice-of-life situations (for example the pic above), or even fictional situations (for example Kanon in a Taimanin outfit). In general, situations you won't usually get to see her in the main story. I intend to make some in a more "artistic" way and others in a more "naughty" way. The Pin-Ups will be in very high resolution, of course, so you can use them for wallpaper, or whatever other "things" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... you want.

I'll try to complete at least 10 of these Pin-Ups for the Premium version, but they will be delivered at a later date because completing TDK 2.0 takes priority over finishing them. I think everyone will rather prefer for me to release TDK 2.0 as soon as possible than wait until after I finish the Premium content. So, I'll release TDK 2.0 first and the Premium content later (for the people that paid for it).

By the way, and just in case, to clarify: Everyone that has paid the Main Character Tier at least once (one month), will get TDK 2.0 as soon as it gets finished!! So if you paid it last year, or this month or whatever, but at some point you were in that Tier... you get on the list and get TDK 2.0 on release date!! I'll send the link to your emails and also via PM here on Patreon. The same goes for the Premium content: people that were at least once (one month) on the Protagonist Tier or above (at any time) will get the Premium content as soon as it gets finished!

Future Plans

Now that I'm finishing TDK 2.0 I need to think ahead for what's next. Please!! Don't ask me to continue with Trip right away. I really need to take a break from the Teaser Kanon series for a while, or I feel I'll end up getting sick of my own creation (I already told you about this in another post).

To be honest, I have some other stories in mind that I'd like to make, but let's be honest, things are not working. I'm not getting the support I want, and I'm the only one to blame here. I don't want you to misunderstand this: I have only gratitude and appreciation for everyone that have supported me so far in any tier and for whatever period of time. You have and always will have my eternal appreciation, for believing in me and wanting to support me.

Currently, I have 285 people following me on Patreon, but only 27 Active Patreons. 151 people canceled their subscriptions at some point, for varied reasons, and only one person to blame for that: Myself, for not being able to keep their support and loyalty. So something has to change... and I think what needs to change is myself.

A few people had told me I should make monthly builds of my Visual Novels. I get that's popular right now, but to be honest I don't like it! I've never supported a developer that does that and I rather prefer for the VN to be complete to buy it/ ̷p̷i̷r̷a̷t̷e̷ it. But I also get that it could be frustrating for people to wait for me to finish a whole VN for it to finally get released.

Making a VN is not easy. I often have to go back and forth to do it. I often have to go back to something I already made/write to change it and correct it because some later part of the story asks for that (so everything makes sense and fits perfectly into the story). But maybe my perfectionist self is playing against me.

I've been thinking about it for a while and I think I finally came out with a way in which I'd feel comfortable doing monthly builds.

My Crush... or My (Crazy-Hot Flirtritious Foreign Exchange Student Homestaying) Crush

This is some kind of amalgam of everything I've learned so far. I'll use what I've learned from making manga, Pin-Ups, CG, and Visual Novels to pull this off. The story will be set in a slice-of-life episodic way, with new chapters released every month. The period will be 6 months (1 chapter every month) to get the feel of it... if I get used to it and people like it, I'll extend it to 12 months (it's my first time doing something like this, so I don't want to be too ambitious).

The story itself is a mix of Clueless and Takeda Hiromitsu's Homestay NTR... with a lot of my own style on it (and some other bits of inspiration from some other NTR works). The pictures above are a W.I.P. from the first (intro) part of the story: "Boy Meets Girl". I'll be using Sophie for that story because I think she will be perfect for the role.

To talk about the concept of the story in more depth is really for another post, but I'm doing it now as an introduction to it. Whenever I start a new story I need to make a lot of preps. I want to start working on it as soon as TDK 2.0 gets released, so I can't wait until then to tell you about it and start with the preps. I'll also need your opinions and suggestions to help me create this story. For instance: The appearance of the main "villain".

And don't worry about my current running projects, I'll keep working on them. The only difference will be that you will get a monthly build of My Crush along with the monthly manga releases (because instead of working on TDK 2.0 every month, I'll be working on this). In other words, instead of working on the shadows until I finish the whole thing, you'll get monthly builds of the VN along with the manga pages I'm releasing every month. So, more content on a regular basis.

I'll make another post in the near future to explain the concept in more depth. This post has extended too much already.

Feel free to hit me with your suggestions. That's all for another long-ass W.I.P. post...

Stay healthy!!



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