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Merry Xmas!! I hope you had a happy holiday!

I wasn't going to make anything special for Xmas, but I came up with this little idea for a Pin-Up at the last minute. The problem was making the text (in Ritsuko's butt). After some research, I figured out how skintex works and could do what I had in mind. So, I learned a new trick that might be useful in the future.

Except for a little problem at the end (Studio Neo acting funny... nothing new, sometimes it does), the scene itself didn't take too much time to finish. Dressing the characters, however, took a lot of time (pretty much half my day), In the end, I couldn't decide between those two outfits for Ritsuko, so I ended up making two versions.

The next two pictures are the ones I did a week ago to thank my 2,000 followers on Pixiv. I'm posting the raws here. You can follow me on Pixiv and Twitter if you haven't already. I pretty much post here everything I post in there though (and some more), but I might make something exclusive for my Pixiv followers in the future (something simple that won't take too much of my time).

The next batch of DOM will be posted before the end of the year. I had almost 7 pages ready, but I want to finish at least 3 more, so the first chapter will be pretty much finished next month (around 60 pages in total + cover and afterword page(s)).

I'll also post a W.I.P. info before the end of the year with a report of my advance in TDK 2.0, as well as my plans for the next months. So, look forward to it!

That's all for this post. Stay healthy and look forward to the next batch of DOM!! (We are finally approaching the climax!!... in more sense than one... LOL... Ok... bad joke... I know... I just can't resist bad jokes...).



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