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I have the following 7 pages of DOM ready, and I can probably finish 1 more tonight, I can post that, but I really would like to complete a few more pages before release, so I'm taking till the weekend to try to finish 2~3 more pages before release. I know I'm taking time from the TDK schedule, so I was a little reluctant, but I checked the calendar and noticed Halloween is coming! I didn't do anything for Halloween last year, so I would like to do something this year... But let's go in order.

My Schedule for the rest of the month and the next month

I'll be working on DOM till the weekend. After that, I'll work on TDK 2.0 for about two weeks (from around 25 Sep to 9 Oct). Then another two weeks on DOM (from around 10 to 23 Oct.). During the last week of October, I would like to work on something for Halloween... However, I could also take that week to keep working on TDK 2.0 or any other of my projects. I'll probably make a poll about it for you to decide.


Let's suppose I do something for Halloween, I'll need suggestions for what to do, but especially outfit suggestions! So, I'd like you to hit me with suggestions of outfits you would like my heroines (or a specific heroine) to wear. Even if I don't do anything for Halloween I'll take note of your suggestions for another situation (inside my stories or something else).

Now, keep in mind that since I only have a few days I can only make something really short! (also Halloween related). For instance, I can make a Cosplay Show (like I did for Kanon) for another of my heroines (like Erika since I haven't worked with her for a while). I won't be able to make her pose in that many outfits, but if it's only 3~4 outfits, then I could make that kind of 4th wall-breaking short visual novel. Of course, it can also be a mini manga (3~4 pages) or mini CG (8~12 images), Pin-Ups... Anyway, I'm open to suggestions!

Don't forget there are still Open Polls you can vote for (if you haven't yet)! I haven't forgotten about them! I'm taking notice of the results to use them on my projects (current or future). For instance, there's a nice surprise for DOM (from the second chapter onward) based on one of the polls (which one, I won't tell to avoid spoilers).

That's all for this update, I better get back to work! See you on the weekend! Stay healthy!!



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