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First the important stuff:

From now on the Villain Tier ($2) will be for early access (at least 24 hours before) to information on my works in progress. So everything on this Tier will become public, but you will still have firsthand information on the advancements of my projects. This is because I want to promote my works more on my social networks. I feel like this tier is limiting me to do so. So this tier will become more of a voluntary monetary support kind of tier from now on.

So, to explain the tiers in an easy way:

Villain Tier ($2): Early Access to information on my works in progress. Everything in that tier will become public, but you will have firsthand information before anyone else.

Supporting Character Tier ($3): Here you will have access to pretty much everything except Visual Novels: Manga, CG, Pin-Ups... etc... Some of this (or maybe all... I'm not sure yet, I'm still thinking about it) will become public in the future, but you will have early access to it at least a week before (but in reality it will probably be a month or months before it becomes public).

Antagonist Tier ($5): This is somewhat of a Premium version of the last Tier. Meaning you will get the same, but with some extra content (like textless versions of manga, extra camera angles, maybe some unused CGs... etc...). This extra content is Patreon exclusive, so it will never go public... (well... that is until it gets pirated).

Main Character Tier ($8): Access to TDK 2.0 as soon as it's finished. You only need to pay this tier once (not every month). I'll send the finished Visual Novel to all my Patreons that pledge to this tier at some point.

Protagonist Tier ($12): A Premium version of the last tier (you only need to pledge once to receive the benefits). You get the same but with some extra content (High-quality pin-ups, wallpapers, extra images, unused CG... etc... for TDK 2.0).

Hidden Character Tier ($20): You appear on the credits of TDK 2.0.

There might be some minor changes in the future, but I like it like this. This way it's neater and easy to understand!

Now let's go with my W.I.P.:

I'm posting the first three pages of Dirty Old Man vs. Hot Wife Ritsuko. I already posted those three pages in a prior post for Patreons. I published the first 9 pages here if you're interested:


I also send the first 9 pages to the mails of all Patreons that pledged the Supporting Character Tier and above last month (if you did and haven't received it, please let me know).

In those 3 first pages I worked with the "taller version" of the old man (still haven't decided on a name for him... I accept suggestions). This is the version that appears in the pictures above. However, when I started working on the sex scene, he still looked much bigger than I expected... So I shrink it a little bit more. I'm posting a picture for comparison:


I really want to not only be a very noticeable diference in age, but also in height with Ritsuko... So after much thought, I have decided to work with the "shortest" version for the sex scene.  However, I really would like to know your thoughts about it... Is he too short now?

To be honest this story was partially inspired by Kai HIroyuki's ongoing manga in the Hotmilk Koime Magazine (among other sources of inspiration and my personal tastes). I want more or less that kind of height difference.

The first chapter of D.O.M. (let's just call it like that to save some writing) will be public at a later date. The first chapter of Kanon's Valentine Special will also become public at a later date. I think at least the first chapter of every work should be public, so people can judge if they like it or not, thus deciding if they want to support me (if they want more of it).

I'll keep working on the first chapter of D.O.M. until next week. Then I'm going back to work on T.D.K. 2.0. I want to finish the first chapter in that time (I hope I can).

I think that's all for this update... Stay healthy!!



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