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Here's a preview of what will be the second part of the Kanon's Valentine/White Day Special. This is the first time I'm making a manga/comic, so please don't be too hard on me. 

This (making manga) is something I wanted to try for some time now (as I already told you in this post). As I was working on the second sex scene for this series I found lots of different camera angles that looked pretty good! Changing the camera angle too much in a CG might look weird, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to make a manga (since I created a scene that looks good from many different camera angles).

The takes for this part of the manga (the ones you're seeing in this preview, not the sex scene that will follow) weren't really that hard to make. Actually, it took me only two days to make them but took me almost two weeks to fit them in those 5 pages! The problem was I was working with a new tool to be able to make the manga, so I had to spend some time watching tutorials to learn how to make things... that took time. But the real troublesome part was to make the layout and then fit the images in the panels.

Working on a manga is totally different than working on a CG or Visual Novel. Usually, with those two, the image you see is what you get and show the readers. When you do manga, however, you have to think in every single panel. Even though I took the pictures keeping in mind the size and shape of the panels, sometimes they got chopped or they were too narrow, or wide, sometimes a part you want to show got out of the panel, or the picture didn't look as I imagined it will. And if when changed the size of the panels, the adjacent panels also changed size/shape, so I also had to modify the pictures inside those panels. It was very frustrating at times but, I had a lot of fun doing this! I have confidence that with time and practice I'll get faster and better at this (professional mangakas can make a 20-page manga in a week!! That's pretty amazing!!).

Mangas/Comics have their advantages and disadvantages (like any form of storytelling). You can convey some things with them that you really can't in CG or Visual Novels... but at the same time, there are also some things you can't convey as you do in CG or Visual Novels. I think it depends on the kind of story you're working on. I believe this particular story (the Valentine Special) will benefit from the Manga format. I'm sure working on this format will broaden my artistic views, allowing me to get better in other forms of storytelling as well (like Visual Novels or CG).

I'm open to critics/advice. I'd like to know if the size of the letters is good enough. Also, I'm not sure I got the desired effect in the last picture. I'm not fond to add SFX in my works, but maybe I should?! (I did it with the little "scribble" in the first picture, but I think I'm taking it out since it looks kind of weird?!). How about the hearts in the last picture?! Do you think it's too much?!... Anyway, just tell me what you think.

That's all for this update. Stay healthy!!

Edit: I added an attachment with the pages in full size. I think watching it full size would be better to judge and appreciate them.



Stiig Dahl Nielsen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 08:47:25 I love the hearts! The scribble looks fine to me in the first picture. Not sure if it becomes to much if each picture have an abundance of SFX, it might be. But I have a hard time seeing the tiny text in the speech bubbles on page 3&4 without zooming in on each individual picture.
2022-03-03 05:55:33 I love the hearts! The scribble looks fine to me in the first picture. Not sure if it becomes to much if each picture have an abundance of SFX, it might be. But I have a hard time seeing the tiny text in the speech bubbles on page 3&4 without zooming in on each individual picture.

I love the hearts! The scribble looks fine to me in the first picture. Not sure if it becomes to much if each picture have an abundance of SFX, it might be. But I have a hard time seeing the tiny text in the speech bubbles on page 3&4 without zooming in on each individual picture.