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The next chapter of My Girlfriend, along with the next choice is on the way! I hope I could finish on Monday but I won't make any promises, since I already learned that: You never know what could happen... And actually, that's exactly the premise of this particular work because not even I can foresee what this story will become. This story depends not only on my imagination/̶d̶e̶l̶u̶s̶i̶o̶n̶s̶/̶f̶a̶n̶t̶a̶s̶i̶e̶s̶/creativity, but also on people's choices, and the next choice (that you'll have to choose in the next chapter) opened my eyes to the almost limitless possibilities.

The people that have been my Patrons for some time know how I've been always struggling to come up with some monthly content. I tried to make relatively long CGs, but now I know,  I'm not good at making them. On the other hand, I think I'm fairly good at making Visual Novels... at the very least I'm much more comfortable with them, but they take time to develop, especially the Mystery NTR type... it's impossible for them to be monthly content... "If I could only make a Visual Novel in the form of monthly CGs... Wait!!!... Who said I can't?!!...". And that's how I came up with the idea of My Girlfriend: An interactive CG that will play as if it were a Visual Novel, with multiple choices that will ultimately lead to a TRUE ending (the only one actually).

By the time I came up with this idea (that is not mine, other people have already done that, I just wasn't aware of it... I just wanted to make that clear: I didn't invent the wheel here), I wasn't fully aware of the incredible potential it has.

When you develop a Visual Novel, you're limited by a number of boundaries: the number of routes (because you can't make unlimited routes/choices), the number of endings (for the same reason), the number of CGs/images (because of the size... learned this quite well with TDK), time (because the longer it is, the longer it takes to develop and ultimately release), the number of characters, sprites... etc... However, with the kind of format of My Girlfriend, all those boundaries are torn down. There are some things you have to give up as well, like the ability to come back to a previously saved point (to make a different choice), but that is also the beauty of this kind of storytelling: It's kind of like life itself... once you made a choice, you can't go back... You have to face the consequences, whatever they are. Incidentally, it was the choice you are about to make (when the next chapter gets released) that made me realize all of that.

The choice I'm talking about (I won't tell you what that choice will be, you'll find out soon enough), wasn't planned. I wrote the scenario a little bit differently... But while I was writing and making the CGs I reached a point in which that choice came up naturally.  I thought: "If I have to make them choose, now is the time!!... If I don't do it now, I probably never will... I mean, what's the point of an interactive story if I don't at least give them that chance?!... But... Isn't it a lame choice?!... I know what people will probably choose!!..."

I actually spent two whole days thinking about that choice. On one hand, I felt it was right to include that choice at that point... on the other, I was afraid of what people would think if I included it ("Dude!!... Are you making us choose that?!... You must be f****** kidding, right?!..."). So, I did, what anyone would do in my position: Look for excuses to not include that choice... I was looking for them until I thought: "Ok!! Let's say people surprise me and choose the other option (the choice I don't think anyone or very few people will choose)... What the hell I do then?!..." At that moment I realized the full potential of this kind of storytelling.

It can go anywhere and be anything. Right now is Netorase, but it can become Netorare, it can become mystery NTR, it can stay Netorase, it can even become a vanilla rom-com story (I doubt it will go that way considering my audience and the choices they'll make... but the possibility is still there at this point!)... with all kinds of possible endings: bad ending, happy ending, false happy ending, pregnant ending, cuckold ending, broken ending, happily-ever-after-fairy-tail-like ending (again, the chances are very dim, but at this point, the possibility is still there!)... etc... That being said, please choose whatever you want/your heart tells you to... I promise you, I'll do my best to unleash the full potential of this kind of story (and I also promise you some unexpected twists and surprises along the way.... maybe some choices won't lead you where you think they will... maybe they'll be a trap...  ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶l̶r̶e̶a̶d̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶i̶c̶e̶.̶.̶.̶ ̶H̶e̶h̶e̶h̶e̶h̶e̶.̶.̶.̶ Ahem... i-ignore that...).

To be honest My Girlfriend has become something special for me. You see, when I had all the problems with Patreon regarding the "Tomoe" story and how I couldn't go on with it, I was really depressed. It was a lot of work, not only making the CG but also coming out with the story... and all that work had mostly gone to the trashcan. After that, I couldn't come up with something that could replace it. I even thought that maybe I wasn't cut for this, and I should just quit (I was really down at the time).  My Girlfriend was the work that helped me recover my confidence. I posted it with a mindset of: "I think it's a good idea, but whatever... I really don't have anything to lose at this point... if people doesn't like it, I just can quit..."... and:

  • My Girlfriend surpassed my most bookmarked work on Pixiv in just one week (Kanon's animations at the time, posted 4 months before... Currently it surpasses it by almost twice the bookmarks).
  • My Girlfriend surpassed my most viewed work on PIxiv before the second week (Teaser~Date~Kanon 1.01 at the time, posted 10 months before... Currently My Girlfriend has almost 8K views).

Considering that the first chapter of My Girlfriend didn't have any sex on it, seeing how people responded to it, made me remember what I did with Teaser~Date~Kanon (in which I didn't cross the R-18 line until the very end, and a lot of people loved it nonetheless), made me actually think: "Maybe I'm not that bad after all...". That really helped me to recover my confidence!

And just a little remark at this point: Don't think you won't see kinky hardcore nasty sex with me... I just like to have a good built-up for it, so it's worth it... I'm not a fan of mindless sex with no rhyme or reason (nothing wrong with that, I enjoy that sometimes, but not my style). The sex will come... be patient... It's just that, I think it will be much more worthwhile if I can take a moment to set the right scenario for it (much more satisfying IMHO... especially for NTR). 

I was gonna comment on some technical aspects of the pictures, but this post is long enough already, so I'll only say this: For people familiar with HS, the coordinate in the first part of the pictures is impossible by normal means. I had to do some magic with Renderer Editor and the Insivible Ring, along with some other plugins to not only be able to make her wear that combination of clothes but also to make her take the coat and scarf off (people familiar with HS probably already have figured out what I did there). I know it could be considered unnecessary extra work, but when I saw that Virgin-Killer sweater I just wanted her to wear it!! (because it was just so fit for her!). I don't think it was a waste of time, because I learned a few tricks in the process that I'm sure will be useful in the future (If you're still curious about it, you can always write me or PM me about it).

Edit: Forgot to add the first chapter's zip

Edit2: Here:

My Girlfriend 1:



My Girlfriend 1.5;





Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Happy to hear you found your motivation back after the Tomoe debacle! I will alwas prefer the tease, mystery and build-up instead of watching the raw sex. In light of My Girlfriends popularity will it become main content in the future after Kanon POV is released?


There won't be more "main content" anymore. Just content. I always wanted to be able to focus on making my visual novels while at the same time being able to release something monthly. So what I'm trying to do right now is to release a chapter of My Girlfriend, give people at least one week to vote (and in that time I'll be focusing on the development of my VN)... come back after a week to check the results of the poll and take about 7 to 10 days to make the next part of MG... Released it, give people time to vote, go back to work on my VN... And repeat the cycle forever...