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I'm really sorry for not fulfilling my promise and posting an update past Monday, but I had some problems with my internet connection for about three days. The problem is solved now. I didn't post the update as soon as I could because I was working on the next chapter of My Girlfriend and thought that maybe I could finish it by this weekend and post the update along with the release (so I postponed this post with that thought in mind). I couldn't finish (I'm at around 70%), so I'll be working the rest of today and all day tomorrow to try to finish it by Monday (but I won't promise you anything). I'll post another update for Patrons in all tiers with the details, along with some preview textless images (17 images, about a fifth of the total number for the next chapter, and a zip file containing the first chapter in case you want to download it), because this update is for something else.

I want people to have access to all of my works at any given time by subscribing to a given tier. I also want to organize my Patron, giving you detailed descriptions and links to all the rewards on a given Tier (so you can easily access what you're interested in). I'm going to make all the changes/improvements this month, but there is a problem I'm not sure how to handle: How to be fair!

In the beginning, I thought of a Tier (the Protagonist tier) to give Patrons access to one past reward... because I saw other Patrons did that. I don't like it... as I said I want everyone to have access to whatever they want at whatever time. But this would probably be unfair to Patrons that have supported me for a long time (some of them since the beginning).

Imagine this: A Patron has access to a certain Tier for some time (he had paid to be in that Tier for months)... Then comes a new Patron and for the amount the first Patron pays in one month, he will have access to everything that has been posted on that Tier in all the past months (and with time more and more stuff will be posted on that given Tier)... It's not fair!

For that reason I thought of two ways of handling this problem:

1. Giving Patrons that have supported me for a certain amount of time/money some exclusive reward. The problem is: What that reward could be. I thought of maybe grant access to a commission... but if at some time I get to, let's say 100 Patrons (I wish... hopefully someday), there lies the possibility there comes a time, I'll be so busy doing commissions for rewards, I won't have time to work on the main content. The reward could also be scene data or even character data, but probably not all Patrons are into HS. So, I'm accepting suggestions of what this reward could be.

2. The other way would be to have rewards on a given Tier for a limited amount of time, but also having a Tier that will give you access to all rewards once they have expired. So, people pay once, download everything they want, and switch to another Tier they are interested in the next month. I think paying between $20-$35 once to have access to everything is a fair price(the content will be growing month by month)... The problem is not everyone would probably be able/willing to pay.

So, I'm accepting suggestions and thoughts about this before making those changes. What do you think... What do you want... I'm always open to suggestions. Next update, next weekend, will be about my progress in the development of Teaser~Date~Kanon 2.0, so look forward to it.

That's all for this Public Update... Stay healthy!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Personally I prefer suggestion 1. Though I see the problem of it taking to much time if many people have to get exclusive rewards. The unfair thing about suggestion 2 is if someone have paid $20-$35 a month since the beginning, then someone can come in and get all the stuff for a one time payment that someone have paid ever month since January.


Totally right!... Haven't thought of that... It's the same problem I thought before thinking of making the changes, but on the other way (flipped... upside down).