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This is gonna be a long post...I'm still working on the Tomoe CG. I hope I can finish it this weekend, but if not, I'm sure I'll finish before the end of the month. Remember that this is the last month I'll be spending so much time on Extra content. Next month I want to focus on Teaser~Kanon, so there won't be extra content next month!

Since the main scene is going to be a locked camera angle scene, I can't really rely on camera angle tricks, so I have to take special care of the positions and poses of the characters. That's why is taking me a lot of time. Luckily the poses on the bed will be easier to do and I already have the basic poses for most of them. The beginning (when Ririka and Tomoe enter the room and how it all starts) is what's been problematic. I could just go the lazy way, and make a couple of poses and just change expressions for the start of the scene, but I really want to give you all some quality work. So I'll just keep working to finish the scene as I envisioned it.

I made a Pin-Up (kind of) of Ryouko because she was winning the poll. Rather than a Pin-Up, this was actually a tentative starting screen for what was gonna be Voyeur... and I said what was gonna be because I'm going to change it (for something much better... I think). And why am I gonna do that?!... Well, here comes the rant!!

I recently played one of the most anticipated NTR Visual Novels of the Year: Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe 3... and... this is just my own opinion, but I was really disappointed by it... and I'm no the only one. I read many comments on forums criticizing the game, and I agree with most of them. I don't really want to point all the things I didn't like about it and why, since this will become a very very long post. I'll just say that I was so frustrated that the need to make a proper swapping game, that fulfills the expectations of all the people disappointed by this game, took me over. Now, I don't really intend to challenge Anim TeamMM, they are a big company and I'm just me... but I think that I at least understand what people wanted and what disappointed them about this game (especially since Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe 2 is one of my all-time favorite NTR visual novels)... at the very least I can try... Plus, there are just a few titles about swapping, which is a shame since swapping has so much potential for so many different scenarios!! So I think it's worth making one!!

And what Voyeur has to do with all this?!... Well, as I thought of a story for the Swapping project, I realized Voyeur was perfect for it in many ways!! Of course, Voyeur wasn't a swapping story, to begin with, but changing some elements of it and keeping others, makes a perfect setup for the swapping!! I'll try to explain myself without giving you too much information since there're a lot of things I'll be using from Voyeur, and I think it will be much more fun for you to discover them on your own (once it's done).

For instance, the Mahjong game I was gonna use in Voyeur is perfect for swapping. For those of you unfamiliar with Mahjong (Richi Mahjong), you can't play Mahjong with just two people, you need three, ideally four, to play. This makes a very good analogy for swapping NTR because you can't play that game with just one couple either, you need two couples (four people) to play... but you can also play it with three people... once the husband (MC) is left out of the game and has no other option but to watch how the three remaining people keep playing (becomes the voyeur watching the other husband enjoying both wives). Also, since it's a game, risky bets could be used to push the swapping (or even lead to it)... among other things that I won't mention to not spoil your fun.

I'm also keeping the one-way mirror. In the original Voyeur, it was gonna be the key element around which the whole story would revolve. Since a swapping story involves many different juicy situations, keeping the mirror as the only revolving element of the story will be a disservice to it... but it'll still play a major role in key parts of the story.

Of course, there are some changes I'll have to make to the original story, one of them is the main heroine. I think Ryouko is perfect to be the other husband's wife (the netori guy's wife). I think whoever has played the Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe series of visual novels will agree with me. Ryouko's personality makes her perfect for the role! When she looks at you with her coquettish eyes and her mysterious smile, you can't help but feel there is something hidden behind that seductive face.

I think a tomboy would be perfect for the main heroine (the MC's wife). Tomboys are very popular with a lot of NTR fans. They also have the advantage of showing you visible physical changes as the story progresses (as the netori guy not only gets ahold of her body but also her heart). For instance, she can start with short hair and let it grow a little as the story progresses... or the way she dresses, with jeans and t-shirts... she will begin to suddenly wear a skirt, then maybe a dress, some earrings, and other jewelry... then more sexy clothes...

And of course, there will be Mystery. You will play first through the main husband route and then the main wife route. There will also be multiple endings. This will be a very ambitious project, but as you can tell, I'm very excited about it. I'm really interested in your comments since I would really love to start working on this project as soon as I finish Kanon's POV in Teaser~Date~Kanon. I know a lot of you would like me to start developing Trip as soon as possible, but I really don't want to get burn-out in the Kanon story. So, if you allow me, I'll promise you, I'll do my best to give you one hell of a Swapping Mystery NTR game!!

Looking forward to your comments. Stay healthy!!




I am disappointed with Kabe3 too. They seem like canceled some part of the game, like the blue(?) dress for the wife. Usually, they will make at least one sex scene with a dress like that. I hope they can make the next Macho good because I really like the previous one.

Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Not sure I completely understand what swapping means in this context. Can someone please elaborate? *Edit* It might not have been clear what I was unsure of. So let me try to explain: To me swapping is when two or more couples meet and switch partners for sex. So open relationship stuff = Not cheating. But the phrasing in the post made me think it might mean something else here entirely when talking NTR. So the way I read swapping is we have two couples swapping partners consensually. So maybe some double netorase that might change during the story? If not this NTR newbie might need some more explanation


They also recycled a lot of the CGs. At one point, I felt like I was playing the same scene with slightly different text, over and over again.Could you point me to the pictures of that dress to refresh my memory?! I think it was in the hotel scene double date?! But I could be wrong since it's been a while since I played Kabe 2 and 1.