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I was about to put a poll about what would you prefer for the video effect in Tomoe's story... but the difference is not much... I tried to add some grain effect to highlight the nature of the video, but the difference is minor, especially if I add some motion blur effect. So I guess I'll go with the clear image.

The extra content is not ready yet. I'm going to take my time to make what I envisioned. So, no deadline pressure, no hurrying things up, no "Patrons are going to leave me if I don't finish on time!!!"... That doesn't mean I'm slacking off, on the contrary. I'm finally getting the feeling of waking up in the morning and thinking: "I can't wait to start working on my project again"... And going to sleep at night and thinking: "Damn!! Is this time already?!... I can't wait for tomorrow, to keep working on my project again!!"... When I started this Patreon, I eventually lost that feeling. Somehow fulfilling expectations and deadlines became my main priority. Somehow, when time and money are on the line, you end up losing your aim... But not anymore.

Since many Patrons already paid for extra content, I'm going to give them that extra content. So, I'll take whatever time is needed to finish this project this month... and make it worthwhile. I'll take the rest of the month to work on Kanon's POV on Teaser~Date~Kanon.  I already clarified on my last update, from next month onward I'll stick to the 20/10 day workflow. So, this is the last month I'm going to take extra time to developed extra content.

Next month there won't be extra content (unless for some kind of miracle I kind finish in 10 days... but even if that happens, I'll notify you, so you can change your pledge and download the content), so change your pledge accordingly. Whatever time is left of this month (after finishing extra content) and the next, I want to focus on developing the Kanon's POV on Teaser~Date~Kanon, so it can be released next month (or at worst in August).

Next update I'll be talking about my plans on Voyeur since Ryouko is winning the poll. There will be major changes with Voyeur, but I think (hope) you'll be pleased with them. I'll be describing my plans on Main projects (after Teaser~Date~Kanon 2.0 with Kanon's POV) in my next update, so look forward to it...

Well, that's all for this update... Stay healthy...




Thanks. Looking forward to it!


Waiting only for Date kanon :D