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It's no secret I admire the work of Metagraphy (among other 3D artists). So when he made a special offer to get all his past works, I just had to apply. One of the best things about it was to get the Face Deluxe Mod along with all her Metagirls.

I think it was a great investment that will allow me to create even more beautiful characters in the future for my visual novels. I also received a bunch of scenes, which I plan to study (to figure out how he uses lighting and poses). Of course, I don't intend to copy his work. In fact, we have a very different approach to many things. For instance, while he uses a more artistic lighting style, I try to achieve a more realistic one. I think whenever Metagraphy makes his compositions, he wonders something like: "How can I make it more beautiful". In my case what I wonder is: "How can I make it more real". When I'm working on a composition I always wonder where the light would be coming from if it was the real world. Nonetheless, I know I can learn a lot from studying his scenes, so I can improve my works.

Having said that, I'm reluctant to change anything in the girls I've already created. I think they are fine as they are. I'll use Metagraphy assets to create my future heroines. I'll try to figure out a way to combine the new assets with my style. So far I've only used vanilla faces, so I'll have to experiment a lot first.

You can check Metagraphy's amazing work on his blog here (Warning: there is NSFW stuff in there):


And if you like his work, you can support him here:



I want to know more about my Patron's preferences, so I'm posting more polls.

The first one is gonna be a Poll about your favorite outfit in Teaser~Cosplay~Kanon. I'll probably make a Role-play scene in the main story with the winner (or the winners).  So please vote for your favorite!

The second poll will be to fix something I forgot to include in this poll. I forgot to include the girl's POV as an option. So I'll make a poll about the girl's POV to know how important is for you in a story.

Finally, don't forget I'll be closing Ryouko's tan poll in a few hours. So vote if you haven't yet: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ryoukos-tan-46189416. Although the not-so-tanned version is whining by far. So I'll probably go with that.

That's all for now. I'll post an update on the weekend, about how the development of Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko is going on, along with some characters introductions (hopefully I'll finish the sprites by then).

Take care!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

I always thought it funny that women faces made in Honey Select are super pretty. While attempts at making handsome and beautiful men usually looks creepy or weird. Hiro is one of the most normal looking faces I have seen on HS men. If based on looks alone Hiro could easily be a #1 host or male idol in the world of Honey Select lol