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I finished the Aditional Content: Kanon Cosplay Show and sent it to the Patrons that pledged the respective tier. Kanon is cosplaying in 14 different outfits.

The rest of the month I'll be working on Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko. I want to finish the sprites for all the characters in these ten days, so I can start working on the CG and Background the next month.

I'll be closing the poll about Ryouko's level of Tan soon:


If you haven't voted yet, do it please, since I probably close it on Tuesday or Wednesday (as soon as I finish her range of expressions so I can start to work in her actual sprites).

I'm aware that I have to work on my workflow since I'm spending a lot of time on additional content. I think the ideal rate would be a 3:1 ratio. Meaning, I need to work 20 days on the main project and 10 days on additional content. I'll try to fix this the next month (we will see how it goes).

Lastly, I have an announcement to make about something in which I invested to better the quality of my works. Since I didn't publish an update last week, I'll publish one in the middle of this week, telling you about this investment of mine.

I'll also be publishing more polls this week, to get to know better what are your preferences in NTR. So look forward to them.

Take care!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Since the cosplay was kind of breaking the 4th wall. I had another silly idea idea. Maybe each girl could have like an ID/calling card with a picture and some personal information of her like height, bust size, bloodtype, hates, likes, strengths, weaknesses or whatever. Of course this should not take time away from the main project.


It's not a bad idea. I'll probably do it in the future. Maybe some pin-ups as additional content. I could do it and take offload from me since I'll have more time for the main project. Now the question would be if the Patrons agree to receive Pin-Ups as additional content from time to time. I probably make a Poll about it in the future.