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The January reward for The Main Character Tier and above ($8 and above) will be a micro-visual novel that is a direct sequel to Teaser~Xmas~Kanon!, the little CG-set I published on Xmas! This micro-visual novel will show you what the characters did on new year's eve. This micro VN might become public in the future, but for the time being, it will be exclusive content for the specified tier.

This is a micro visual novel, which means it'll be short and to the point. There won't be a long build-up, but you can consider my first VN Teaser~Date~Kanon! and the short CG Teaser~Xmas~Kanon! as the build-up for this story. I'll send the reward on the first weekend of February... if I can finish it by then (I'm confident I can!!... I know I can!... I probably can... I  hope I can... I can?!... I better pray, so I can finish it on time!!).

I'm also researching about GIMP. I'm a total newbie with Image Edition software, but then again I'm a total newbie with all the rest too. I had to learn Renpy and HS Studio Neo from scratch to be able to make Visual Novels.

I want to add some motion blur to some scenes, to create the illusion of movement/speed. I'm looking for a simple way to do it, since if I have to spend a lot of time in the process, then it might not be worth it (since it will slow down the development of my visual novels a lot).

I'm posting three preview pictures of Teaser~Xmas~Kanon!: 

  • The first one is the original picture.
  • The second one is the same picture with the motion blur effect.
  • The third one also has the motion blur effect but with more intensity.

This is my first attempt, so I don't expect it to be perfect or even good, but I hope is at least decent. Please tell me what do you think. Do you think it conveys the effect I'm seeking? Do you think it looks better? Worst? Do you want me to add this kind of effect to my next visual novels? I'm looking forward to your answers.

Now, with your permission, I'll promote this reward on my social media to give other people also the opportunity to get it if they want.




I think the motion blur effect definitely works with scenes like this where there is a degree of intensity within the scene. I like the 3rd one the most considering the situation. I would definitely be weary of over doing it as it could become confusing and disorienting.


I agree with you. I think if I can find a threshold of minimum and maximum I can work with this. Trying to match the intensity of the motion blur with the intensity of the scene. I think doing so will create a great effect when combined with dialog and sfx.