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Scenario (epilogue): Sadly I couldn't finish the scenario this week. I noticed while writing it that the story needed an epilogue to tie a few loose ends. The epilogue (or maybe it would be more correct to call it a prologue) wasn't planned originally however I think adding one will also help the players to understand better the motivations and relationship of the couple.

I'm discovering that when you develop a VN, the story evolves and changes in the different stages of development. This also happened with Teaser~Date~Kanon. At first, I thought the story was perfect (in my mind), but when I write it, I realize I had to do quite a few modifications for it to work. Then, when I finished writing it, I thought it was perfect until I began the coding and CG addition, I had to do more modifications and changes...etc...

Time-Saving (cubemaps): I also took the time to make a cubemap catalog. I wanted to do one from some time ago. It was a boring and repetitive task, but it was worth it because all the time it'll save me in the future. Now I won't have to try dozens of cubemaps, guessing which of them will work. With this catalog I can choose the cubemaps I'll need for every scene beforehand, thus saving a lot of time in the lightning stage of the scene.

For those unfamiliar with cubemaps, they are used mainly to give ambiance light in Studio Neo with an LRE enveroinment. You use them along with directional light and IBL parameters. This creates the whole lightning of the scene. But maybe you're not that interested in all this mumbo jumbo tech explanation (or maybe you actually are?). Let me know if you want more of these technical explanations.

Poll (sex positions): I wanted to post another poll with sex positions to use in this VN (along with the ones I already decided to use),  but only two people answered my message. So I'll wait for another week to give you time to answer.

Additional Content (microVN): I decided to make a micro-visual novel as a reward (additional content) for The Main Character tier (8$) and above. I'll make another post this week to let you know more about it. The development of Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko! will be almost completely halted while I develop this micoVN, so I want to at least finish the scenario before starting the development. I want to know how much time it will take to do it, to see if I can make this a frequent prize or an occasional one since the development of the main VN should take priority (in this case Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko!). 

Additional Rewards: I also want to give a special reward for those that pledge The Hidden Character tier (20$) and the Protagonist tier (12$) every month for a given time...The question is what?! Do you have any good ideas? I was thinking of given Kanon's card once I finish the whole story, but not everyone plays HS. If you have any good idea please tell me about it.

Especial Contest: I have planned a special contest for all the Patreons that join in January. I'll give you a riddle (sort of) and the first person that answers it will be granted a special commission for something in my VN. Example: The winner can ask for a heroine with glasses (megane) in my next VN, or for a certain kind of play or fetish, etc. Before granting the request we'll have to discuss it though since there're some things I just won't do (like furries or scat...I'm not criticizing people that likes that kind of stuff, it's just not my thing), and there's other stuff I can't do (like zoo or guro, because of Patreon rules).

The riddle will be posted on February 1st. All Patreons from all tiers can participate in this contest.



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