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Whelp, the ol' coronavirus decided to stop by Climate Town to see the sights, ride the rides, and eat some of that delicious Climate Town funnel cake. I'll be typing away in isolation for the week, but it turns out I had a lot of computer work to do, so I'll be really getting down to some brass tacks. It may actually mean some more Patreon content because I'll be digging through my old hard drives and you never know what deleted scenes they'll have on them.

It looks like I've got a very mild case so I'll be back on my feet in no time. Thanks for your support, I'll be back before ya know it.

All the best,




Oh Rollie! I hope someone is taking care of you and brining you soup! Make sure to stay hydrated and keep an eye on your temperature and get lots of rest. Sending my best wishes for a fast recovery!


get well soon