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Dear Patreon,

We're working on a couple of fun* videos at the moment, but the good folks at The Climate Museum asked us to do a little live performance and that sounded like a lot of fun** to me. We also hit up the booking director at a delightful venue called The Bell House in Brooklyn and they also gave us a spot, so now we've got TWO live events on the agenda.

We're gonna film them and post clips here and everything, so if you're not in the area or not interested, thank you for reading this far.


The Climate Museum Show
March 31 (Friday)
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Price - $0
Link to reserve a ticket: https://climatemuseum.org/2023-events/2023/3/31
Location: 120C Wooster St, New York, NY 10012
Note: We've got about a 45-min slot for this show

The Bell House Show
May 8th (Monday)
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Price - $10 for you ($20 for people who don't know the secret code discount code "herb")
Link to buy ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-town-town-hall-tickets-574683242047
Location: 149 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Note: We're got about a 90-minute slot so we're gonna be premiering a new episode at this show

Okay, I'm gonna get back to work. Thanks for subscribing to the patreon page, I look forward to making more YouTube episodes and doing some live stuff. Maybe some kind of tour even? Who knows.


*deeply troubling

**actual fun



We've got enough funny in Chicago so please don't ever come here and do a live show. Oh, and things aren't too bad for us under future climate scenarios (GREAT LAKES btw) so we're good there too. (i kid) Keep up the great videos! I indoctrinate college kids with them all the time.

Daniel Burt

Would LOVE to see you on tour out West. I wonder if our bike advocacy organization in Utah could host you!

Daniel Burt

If you’re ever interested in traveling through SLC, I can ask around to some of the heads of the organizations I know — we might be able to raise the funds to bring you out. Send me a message and let me know if you’d like me to explore that.