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I might still poke around with that middle panel a bit before posting it live, so this might not be the final version of the page!

I'm sticking fairly close to the structure of this realm as described in Dante's Inferno, so if you count Dis as the 6th circle, you can figure out the other circles. The river around the city is the Styx, and the river you can see in the background of Dis Pater's lair is the Acheron, which separates Limbo from the 2nd Circle. I think. I really need to make a reference map for my own purposes some time soon. It also doesn't help that things tend to shift around a little too, so something that looks like a moderate walk away could be much closer or much farther away.

Also even though I'm presenting it like a disc, this realm is a funnel! There are three more levels past Dis. What's at the bottom? Don't go to the bottom. Don't worry about it.



Vinnie Simonetti

Well, that's a good tie into why the demons wanted Michelle... but I'm curious as to how it will work out. (started typing the comment before I realized I would write way too much... "it's complicated" and I'm curious where it goes)

Stephen Hutchison

Oh good. Give the demons the creature that can create medallions ... surely they won't try to force her to create medallions that allow them to walk among mortals unmolested and without being hindered by those pesky angels that keep them imprisoned in hell.