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This map was perhaps one of the oddest commissions I've ever done for a fellah.

Started this about half a year ago, this map was under an exclusivity license that just expired. Apparently, it is to be used in some game, but I was given no info about it. (secrecy)
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

This was the first big city where our PeaPu Modern City Assets were tested out in Inkarnate. The roads were a particularly tough piece. We have a 2nd version of them now.  Besides a bit of post-processing this map was entirely done in Inkarnate.

The post processing is a little more visible on the 8K versions. I kinda like the way it smooths out little imperfections, but some may prefer more clarity. So if you have an opinion on the matter, do tell. I'm always curious.

The download below contains 4 versions of the map.
2 (4K and 8K) with a sunlight filter and some pazzaz.
2 (4K and 8K) without. 



Shawn Guiney

Its so incredibly good.


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ You're so incredibly good!


The maps freaking rock! Keep em coming!

Jon Goranson

That is gorgeous!! Holy moley! Awesome! Nice job!

Jon Goranson

In what way? Just want to prepare myself if I ever try to make something as awesome as that!


Well, this map was the test subject for the modern city stuff. Was created with version 1 of the roads. So each piece had to be manually placed, rotated and aligned perfectly. There were a loooot of pieces. I guess that was the worst part. Another difficult is making things fit into non square positions. You'll never really have it all perfect so you gotta be a little creative with the variations of buildings. The same goes in general for the entire city since there are only so many buildings you can place before having to repeat patterns. Client was also quite fickle with their demands.

Jon Goranson

Wow! Well, great job! I hope they were ecstatic because it's gorgeous!