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Heyo! Hope you all had an amazing Super Bowl Sunday yesterday! Congrats to all Chief fans out there and also Swiftie fans out there haha. 

Anyways, just wanted to drop the first of hopefully a handful of RANDOM PLAY reaction videos. Over time we've been collecting so many Patreon Requests and honestly it was too difficult to watch them all in the format that we had going (batching vids by artists). And so we decided to just start tackling a handful of requests in one sitting. 

So here we have a bunch of everything - a little bit of Baby Monster, a little bit of Jennie. A little bit of Jimin and V and Taemin. And also a First Take of XG. And a bonus RUN BTS clip for funzies. 

Plus, we had to watch Taemin's "Guilty" (thanks Lisa for the rec!) in order to prep for the GDA Performance Run coming up. 

Enjoy the vid!!




Speaking of the Golden Disc Awards, I didn't see Enhypen on the list of performances you were scheduled to watch. Please watch it when you can...it is devastating in the best way. Also, I may have missed it, so if I did--please disregard. I have foggy sick brain and am possibly forgetful 😅😁😕


Some basic info about Taemin: He trained for 3 years and debuted at 14 (nearly 15) in 2008 with Shinee. He went through A LOT. The industry was not as aware when he was coming up through the system so he experienced a lot of fetishization, inappropriate sexualization, and feminization because of his looks. He was an "oddity" on variety shows and not protected well. The industry has evolved, but still has issues that linger (you see it with New Jeans, Le Sserafim, and NiKi in Enhypen especially) with underage exploitation. This is one of the reasons so many artists truly respect and admire Taemin so much. He endured, survived, thrived, and developed under conditions that were not healthy...and because of him the conditions are better. Fun Fact: (From Taemin's episode on Suchwita) He and Jimin are exactly the same height, and their hands are exactly the same size =P Shinee is honestly a turning point for k-pop in many ways. Their live shows are INSANE. They have inspired so many of the current artists I love (HOSHI is a huge fan Jimin is a huge fan). They have survived devastating losses (rip Jonghyun 2017) and continued to stay together, support each other in their individual activities, and promote and encourage each other along the way. They're a true beacon in the world of k-pop.

Lisa M T

So excited. As a Jimin stan, I also love the others. Especially Guilty. THANKS for watching.

Joanne Garcia

Jimin bias!! Love it. The man is basically perfection ;) And yes - we're FINALLY getting through some of these requests. Sorry it's taken so long! But we've filmed two other Random Play sessions and we did more of the vids you recommended. Thank you for your patience!!

Joanne Garcia

Enhypen is SO on the list of GDA performances and it does not disappoint!! The dance breakdown in the middle is insane and I am basically in love with all seven of them now and that's ok. Posting tomorrow!!

Joanne Garcia

Omo he was so young at debut!! It def reminds me of Hyein, Eunchae, and Niki. To go in as a trainee so young and then be in a place where they're in front of the world like that - I can see why the industry would need to work on protecting the younger idols. It's not perfect but hopefully it's better. I'll have to check out that episode of Suchwita!! I can't believe they're the same size and height. I've actually placed my hands in Jimin's handprint at the BT21 shop in LA. He has tiny hands!!!! Yeah I don't know much about 2nd gen k-pop but I've definitely heard of Shinee and am familiar with a few of their songs. It's so weird coming in k-pop/k-drama world nowadays because I tend to know some 2nd/3rd gen people as actors first before idols. But I'm always fascinated after the fact when I find their MV's. It might be worth the deep dive to watch a handful of Shinee MV's. Do you have some recs to start off with?


I always recommend REPLAY which was their debut track. It is seriously like 90s R&B and kinda makes me think of the Usher era (timely with his Superbowl performance). I PERSONALLY recommend the RingDingDong/Lucifer live (fun fact--Lucifer hook was composed/written in part by Bebe Rexa when she was like 17 or 18). I'll DM you links since the posts sometimes lose them. SHERLOCK is a classic that so many other k-pop groups have covered. And my personal favorite SHINEE song is "Don't Call Me" the jazzy piano breakdown in the middle of all the electronic is just chef's kiss for me.

Jay Mèlanie

This was so insightful, thank you for posting. How heartbreaking, I knew he was very young but had no idea he endured what he did but it makes sense because of how unprotected minors and idols in general are. THough I did see recent news about new protection laws passing for underage minors in KPOP, I hope they are enforced to the fullest and not just for show. Shinee really is a special group, I had really gotten into them just a little over a year ago and from checking out their older music til now...wow the vocal growth in Taemin is insane, and my oh my is that man a performer. I read he studied Michael Jackson incessantly and I can certainly tell in the same vain that he takes his gifts, his craft very seriously just Mike did. Btw can I just add that I love how sassy Key is:-)

Jay Mèlanie

Enjoy the random play reactions! I miss them too! I cannot wait until they are all back together again, that song was so precious! And the V collab with Umi was like a warm hug...I love that it began with him playing her songs on his IG stories, and her covering his songs acoustically to them actually doing a collab... Lovely!