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Happy Merry Christmas!! I hope you all had an amazing, restful, joyous, wonderful, wintery holiday break ... 

I'm currently in the PNW (the "Pacific Northwest" where I'm from - aka Seattle) and Allison is in Nashville with her parents. Honestly, it's really nice to get out of LA every once in awhile and be back with family. To unplug, recenter, get some rest in. 

I'm almost done editing the giant stockpile of reaction sessions that we did over the past month so we've got a lot in store for you - starting with some very on-theme content from XG. Very 90's. Very winter wonderland. Very Narnia ... hahaha. 

Hey I love me some Chronicles of Narnia

Anyways, enjoy this video!!




Jay Mèlanie

Chronicles of Narnia is ah-mazing! Heard it is being remade...hmm guess I'll just have to see how that goes, but anyway another great reaction to these ultra talented young ladies! I really enjoy what these young ladies bring vocally, and like you both stated they bring abut nostalgia with their music without it being cheesy or feeling forced. I believe this has a lot to do with the fact that they love a lot of the music from the 90s/2000s era, specifically R&B(like TLC) so you hear that in their vocal coloring, their styling and the music itself. I actually got chills when I first watched the X-Gene performance video, I love the artistic direction and the choreo told the story of the lyrics beautifully. And Yes drop the Merch, why not?!