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Very excited to check out this show. Loved the pilot and the first episode did not disappoint.  

No need to cue up as we have the full video here since it's on Youtube for free. However going forward you will need your own copy as usual.


Rinnzu Rosendale

Yes! so hype for yall to react to this!

Shatterpoint Gaming

Oh man. I am absolutely pumped you guys are reacting to this! It's one of my favorite series!

Shatterpoint Gaming

It's rare that I get emotional over things but episode 5 managed to get me all misty eyed


Hi guys can you try playing tekken 8 story mode its very short very cinematic & entertaining


I hear Goliath's (Gargoyles) voice! I know it anywhere! The cat demon with wings.

Kyra Arkenseed

Ive been looking forward to your reaction to this since it came out. So excited!

Akio Senpai

About the story of Lucifer at the beginning, it certainly strengthens the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Kayleigh McRae

Alastor is asexual. Which makes him saying no to Angel's request so funny to me. Being ace myself.