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Early ad-free access to our reaction for RWBY Volume 6 Episode 6



Not gonna lie, waiting for yaws reaction to one episode a week is tough but is worth it 👍

Megan Saunders

I believe it was Miles Luna (one of the writers/producers/ VA for Jaune) who said that the apathy were his favorite Grimm that they've created so far. I also love Ruby's reaction when she wakes up and sees that Qrow fell asleep. She glares down at the liquor bottle and you can actually see her hand shaking with her rage right before she throws the bottle at the wall to wake him up. She never raises a hand to Qrow, but you can tell she's blaming the alcohol. But then she almost immediately softens as she realizes just how badly he's been affected by what they learned from Jinn about Oz and Salem. I think up until this point, Qrow was just Ruby's beloved uncle - she never had a reason to feel disappointed with him because he was always coming and going on missions and probably had cool stories to tell her. Plus, he probably never hung around her very long at any given stretch of time, since he said in Vol 4 that his bad luck was "real handy when fighting an enemy. But it makes it a lot harder on friends. And family." She clearly idolized him a bit because she modeled Crescent Rose after his scythe as well, though she went for a sniper rifle rather than a shotgun like he did. I also have a head canon that Ruby was more resistant to the effects of the Apathy because she's a silver-eyed warrior. That's not something the others have, so they were more quickly and deeply affected than she was. Maria being a former silver-eyed person would also explain how she was resistant, but she could also have had a bit of additional help there because she told them in chapter 2 that she was "just a little hard of hearing" - if they had to hear the Apathy scream to be affected, her hearing loss might have protected her just that little bit more and allowed her to prompt Ruby enough to use her eyes. Also, think about what Maria said when she was prompting Ruby. "You have a family? Friends? Don't think about them (meaning the apathy). Think about the people who love you. Focus on the thought of them. The way they make you feel. Focus. Life is beautiful. It's precious. And it must be protected." Can't wait for more!

James S

These episodes taking place at the farm almost make me wonder if RWBY's writers would have been better doing more suspense/horror writing because the whole scenario is just so effectively set up, then crafted so well in how it's executed and plays out. At first you find yourself accepting things like the characters saying they're tired or their despondence because of everything they've been through lately, but the more and more all of the different characters are saying it the creepier and more wrong it feels, and when combined with the mystery of what happened on the farm it leaves you completely unsure of what's going on or what to think or trust. As far as a mini-arc goes, of 2-3 episodes focused around a common plot, it's one of the best in RWBY. (The fact that Volume 6 started off with another one of those best arcs with the reveal of Ozpin and Salem's backstories really gets the Volume off to a strong start.) This Volume does have some flaws, but in my opinion it succeeds very well at doing character growth or adding depth to various character on both sides of Ozpin and Salem's covert war. This goes double for our heroes, because the mentors and leaders that they'd normally fall back on like Qrow and Ozpin are either absent or off their game and spiraling. It forces the younger generation to have to step up or crumble along with the foundations their world is built on, and fortunately they step up. Also, just want to say I can't wait for you to see one particular event from the end of the season. It's going to be *very* interesting to watch.

El Patitas de Molcajete Takamachi

Uno de mis episodios favoritos. Uno de mis Grimms favoritos y terroríficos. Me encantó su reacción 😘✌🏻.. Larga Vida a RWBY!!


Loved this episode so much, your reactions are such a delight in the week!


per Miles Luna: this episode and the grim are influenced by the film Serenity and a short story named "Bartleby the Scrivener" (spoilers for both) In Bartleby the Scrivener there was an idea of a man who became so apathetic to everything and everyone around him, that he was fired, evicted, imprisoned, and eventually... starved. Because when it came to doing anything he would "prefer not to" In Serenity there's people called Reavers who are essentially hyper-violent, murder machines. Like the Infected from 28 Days Later, but more intelligent. In the film, you find out the creation of these people was the accidental side effect of a government experiment. The gov wanted to pacify an entire planet by pumping some chems into the air. The majority of the population became so pacified that they laid down and died. The REST became the Revears, and the movie plays up how horrifying and terrible they are. I wanted to create an enemy that would pose a very serious threat to our heroes, not just physically, but to who they are and what they stand for. In my mind, the good guys fight for peace, justice, and love. A lot of people would describe the opposite of Love as Hate, but I disagree. Love is the most powerful, extreme emotion a person can feel. The opposite of that is nothing. The opposite of Love is Apathy.


I remember reading Bartleby in high school and his mantra "I prefer not to." It was neat to see the name pop up early as an indicator of where maybe the episode was going. So many good points being made, especially with the plotting being turned 180 to give a breather / take a different approach, and how effective the creepy atmosphere was for this, without lingering too long. In fact, it was kind of a necessary turn, after feeling betrayed by Ozpin. They were starting to toy with possibly abandoning their mission... and the apathy they were experiencing now gave them a taste of where that growing nihilism ('nothing matters') might eventually take them. They don't really want that. So what if they can't kill Salem and at best maybe only stall her victory? It doesn't change that they still care about the world, they still care deeply for each other, they still believe in beauty and love and friendship. They can fight for those things and the people they love, regardless of anything else. And this is what Maria affirmed in Ruby as the wellspring of her silver eye magic. Poor Qrow. It just makes him more admirable, honestly, despite him being at his bottom and struggling so much right now. To have life be such drudgery, to be in such pain and depression... and yet he does keep going, and he keeps looking for something to live for and believe in, which is why the revelation regarding Ozpin hurt him so deeply. Now he is sticking with the younger members of his family and their friends, helping and protecting them out of love even when he's miserable. His heart is so much bigger than his sister's.

Coleman Mavity

So doing a show in this style with the 3D models and spaces crafted is one thing, very challenging, but knowing where to place the camera and how to move it is so important to making sure the effort isn't wasted and the cinematography throughout this episode was incredible. I especially like the slow pan out to Oscar working on the tire while you hear everyone approaching and yelling.


This is definitely one of my favorite episodes. The apathy made for a great opportunity to dip into a horror vibe that we don't get to see too often. Then we get the silver eyes reveal at the end as the cherry on top.