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Checking out short 8 and the origin of the Flesh Eaters for If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device.


Nyte's Halo

The Australian accent was because he was impersonating Crocodile Hunter Steve Erwin RIP

Karl-Alexander Papp

The shorts are acid-trip-flashbacks of a fever dream with quite a few references. I must admit I didn't quite get it the first time through either but at least one of the references is to Dawn of War, which is honestly probably the best and simultaneously the most important Warhammer game just because its one of those things that drew a lot of people in to Warhammer 40k and was the first truly great videogame within the universe of 40k. So if you hear audio that sounds different in quality like the crazy looking dudes in red armour that were with Kitten and Magnus, its probably a voice line from a video game or a trailer. Sly Marbo's scream for instance is from one of Dawn of War's trailers, where a Blood Angels sergeant valiantly charges at the orks while famously stating: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". So the references are still quite funny even without seeing the original.