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Back to our World of Warcraft Journey. Checking out the Dragon Flight cutscenes that we have missed. 


John Danziger

Onyxia was a raid boss (and the first one ever killed in WoW) from 2005, so her history goes way back.


There more of the family theme in this expansion. Quick refresh on the Primal Incarnates: Raszageth the Storm-Eater, dead now. Iridikron the Stonescaled Vyranoth the Frozenheart Fyrakk the Blazing Onyxia has a long history in Warcraft, this was the end of her legacy. Like Deathwing she has a long story. The very short version: The daughter of Deathwing and his Prime Consort Sintharia and the broodmother of the black dragonflight on Azeroth. Like her father and her older twin brother Nefarian, she had a human guise, appearing as the Stormwind noblewoman Lady Katrana Prestor, though she was believed to have several other humanoid guises as well. In addition to being a highly intelligent dragon who was fond of secretly manipulating mortal affairs, she was also a mighty combatant, despite being relatively small for a black dragon of her age. Her breath was capable of melting iron, and her physical attacks were lightning quick and nearly unstoppable. Seeking to take control of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Onyxia manipulated a conflict between the Stonemasons and the House of Nobles that led to the death of Queen Tiffin Wrynn in a riot. She later had King Varian Wrynn abducted by the Defias Brotherhood on route to Theramore Isle. Prestor subsequently became a royal councilor to the 10-year-old Anduin Wrynn and controlled Highlord Bolvar Fordragon with the Drakefire Amulet. Onyxia was slain and beheaded in her lair by heroes (Ones of WoW first raids) when her true identity was revealed, thus restoring the line of Stormwind's kings. After the return of her father during the Cataclysm, she was reanimated by her brother Nefarian as an electrical undead monstrosity. Ultimately, she would be destroyed once more, along with Nefarian, in the Blackwing Descent raid. Onyxia serves as one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside her brother Nefarian) in classic World of Warcraft and one of the supporting antagonists in Cataclysm. When killed in the Classic raids players could get quests when turn in their heads would be hung in the captial cities. Also in a later expansion the Classic Onyxia raid can drop a flying mount for players to use, that look like her. I wonder if I have any screenshots of them. :P


Onyxia is so cool. Thanks for giving us more info on her. And for the refresh on the Primal Incarnates. It's been a minute since we've done some WoW 😀

Nyte's Halo

In the original Deadmines dungeon, Edwin Van Cleef was the final boss we as players had to take down and bring his head to Mathias Shaw. When they did a massive rehaul during one of the expansions, the Deadmines was revamped and Vanessa was the new end boss, though she does escape at the end of the fight of course. It's nostalgic seeing old cutscenes and flashbacks to see how much everything got changed. It's both good and sad to see that WoW has actual time progression throughout it's long lifetime, unlike most games that have the same static stories over their entirety. Luckily, that's why they came out with Classic WoW to let both old and new players experience the "old days", though I do wish they didn't progress classic as fast as they did. We're always getting to Classic Cataclysm, which is where the whole world got changed to begin with. Rather wish they stopped at Lich King personally.