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Another Games Awards 2023 Trailer reaction: Hellblade 2 Senua's Saga



With the normal headsets you can hear the voices as she hears them, but with the VR headset you will also feel like you are one of the voices. It's really cool.


I really can't wait to see you play the first Hellblade, it's one of those games that truly transcends to being art. Senua's performance is so raw and powerful because the woman who performers her wasn't a professional actress, but their community manager who was acting as a stand-in while they got their motion capture setup working. She's said in interviews that she was genuinely nervous and terrified throughout her performances, so the emotions you are getting are real and not just acted. You definitely want to use headphones, the voices are recorded with a binaural microphone and serve both as narration, ambiance, and indicator of how things are going - there is no HUD, only the voices. This is not a spoiler - Senua suffers from severe psychosis and her perception of the world is heavily influenced by her mental illness. Ninja Theory worked with mental health professionals and people who have personally experienced these symptoms in order to accurately represent the condition and not just gamify it. They consulted them throughout the process of creating the game and used the experiences they were told about to craft scenes that incorporated the testimony of those they worked with. There's an entire 24-minute documentary on about the creation of the game and it's well worth the watch, but it does have some spoilers and is thus best watched after experiencing the game. It may not be the most in-depth action gameplay experiences you'll ever find, but the package as a whole is very powerful and enjoyable. It's also pretty short - completable in 8-16 hours, depending on how hard you look for lore bits and if you get stuck at any parts.