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Some of these we've seen before but we still decided to check out all the Character Teasers so far for Genshin Impact.



Navia's teaser came out last night as well; being the newest character in 4.3. Her Demo and Collected Miscellany will be dropping next week Tuesday/Wednesday, so you might wanna hold off until those drop so you can just do it all in one swoop. Once you cover Navia, you won't have to worry about the next patch dropping for around 40ish days. As for when you start reacting to the Cutscenes, keep in mind this game has, I would say, 3 different quest groups that all have cutscenes; Archon Quests (Main Story), Character Quest (Character Specifc Story), and Event Quest (Side Events that are time gated; these actually carry heavy lore and Character information). If you'd like some recommendations on channels that give you some insight to the story and what's happening; "Minsleif" (voiced) and "CatWithBlueHat" (text) have some great videos to catch up on what we know about everything so far (vs watching just the cutscenes). That being said, love the videos, and I look forward to your future approach to the Genshin story! (:


so there are 2 categories of characters 4 stars, and 5 stars. Every character past 1.0 gets a character demo and collected miscellany but character teasers are exclusive to 5 stars, which is why Candace, Lynette, etc. are absent. Also, something that think you guys are misunderstanding is that Genshin is not a fighting game, yes it has combat in it but is a story-based open-world exploration game. So the more creative characters like the dancers, the actors, etc. that Ken seems to find unimpressive are actually really cool in in-depth characters, the more one of my favorite characters of all time in this game is an architect lol. Each character has their own lore and story, and while some may not be as tragic or as interesting as others each character has their own and that's something I really love about this game that not enough people talk about. Every single item, character, weapon, artifact, area of the map, and NPC has lore, and I think that's the coolest thing about this game. After you watch all the cutscenes you should watch some lore videos I think you guys will love it. Sorry about the long post :'(


Of course the teaser came out after we released this video haha. Not sure we will have time to watch it and edit this again as we plan to release it Tuesday, but will see. 🤗


Oh yeah, as soon as we get into the story the characters we aren't impressed with are sure to show us more. But with the gameplay trailers we watch and what not the fighting aspect is really all we see currently. These teasers are nice though giving us some more story 😃