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Full watch-along reaction to DBZ Kai #157


Jennifer Sunderland

"There was no helping my selfless mentor. Mostly because I didn't try to help him." There really is no justification for not grabbing Gohan. He would knock the living piss out of this incarnation of Buu.


They haven't been too explicit as to the roles of the Kais, but I can tell you that the Supreme Kai's job isn't to keep a close watch on every civilization that exists. Unless there is evidence of there being a significant threat to the balance (Creations vs Destruction) of the Universe, their focus is instead on creating, and setting things in motion, but otherwise remaining hands off. I doubt that creation is a simple matter of snapping their fingers for a Supreme Kai. It probably requires a lot of meticulous time consuming work to make sure things don't just break apart at the onset. Even if it's as simple a snapping a finger, they prioritize newborn worlds and lifeforms while leaving the more established worlds to the lower Kais. The lower Kais (North, West, East, South) deal more closely with the mundane of their respective corners of the Universe and even they mostly focus on the bigger picture. This frees up the Supreme Kai to work on creation instead of management and administration. Then you have the Grand Kai that appears to be the overseer of the afterlife. Dragon Ball Z Kai skipped over the Grand Kai stuff because, as I understand it, it wasn't in the Manga. Although it seems that before Majin Buu, all primary Kais were ranked at Supreme Kai. After Buu, lower Kais had to take over a portion of the duties of the now dead Supreme Kais.


So really this is an issue with the structure the Supreme Kais set up because the lower Kais should've been keeping them informed on certain things. Because destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin. They also seemed pretty chill on their world and not busy creating so probably just a snap of their fingers 🤔 But we appreciate this insight!