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Early ad-free access to our reaction for RWBY 58



the phones I'm pretty sure are clear on both sides so its not backwards lmao


I like how she didn't include winter, when she said. you are more like family then my brother and father.


Blake trusting Sun to back her up is one of my favorite character choices in the show, it's something the narrative can easily reward her for doing.

El Patitas de Molcajete Takamachi

One of the best talks Weiss has at this stage of her development, during this volume and volume 4. Weiss best character❄️💙

Alex Smith

This episode is why Weiss is best girl


Weiss best girl.

DeAnthony Potts

Phone isn't facing backwards. Its just all screen on both sides



Beowolf Chow

So, since RWBY regularly includes characters based on stories and legends, We've just gotten the final big clue this episode about the inspiration for Blake's dad Ghira, when he busts out the claws and roars in a way similar to Tuckson waaay back in Volume 2. Stop reading here if you don't want to know. . . . In this case, the writers took original inspiration for several characters in this arc from The Jungle Book. In Ghira's case, they are referencing the character of Bagheera, the black panther with a sense of justice who helped raise Mowgli. With "black panther" being both a descriptor of Ghira's faunus traits, as well as a further nod to the political and anti-racist similarities between the Faunus Rights movement and the real Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The dichotomy between Ghira's relatively peaceful approach, and Sienna Khan's approach of active resistance, mirroring more the difference between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the civil rights movement, than Bagheera and Shere Khan in the Jungle Book. There is debate as to whether Blake's mother Kali is a reference to Kaa the snake in the Jungle Book, or the Hindu goddess Kali (or both). The literary version of Kaa being an ally of Mowgli rather than the Disney version of them as a comedic antagonist. But on the other hand, you can find plenty of people who worship Blake's mom.

Beowolf Chow

Yeah, the screens retract into the frame (hence the name "scroll") but are essentially clear. Not great for privacy, as everyone can see who you're talking to.

Bryan Forquer

This episode is obviously heartbreaking for many reasons. It is definitely a pivotal moment in Blake and Yang's relationship. Even though both have conflicting viewpoints, they're both still valid. Yang literally lost her arm trying to protect Blake, and as soon as Yang wakes up Blake was gone. Yang feels like Blake abandoned her, when Yang says "What if I needed her here for me?" It's pretty much revealed that the relationship between Blake and Yang is much different from the other characters. It seems that Yang was having feelings for Blake that were more than just friendship, or just being teammates. It's easy to see why Yang was so upset with Blake. She needed Blake to be there for her and let her know that everything was going to be okay. As for Blake, she's feels responsible for Yang's injury and is wracked with guilt and pain. She feels like she is unworthy of forgiveness, and the best way to protect her is simply stay away. If you remember in volume 2 episode 6. Yang was the first person to get Blake to be more open and showed Blake that there are people that truly care about her. Also I do like that Weiss was trying to be non biased and impartial between Blake and Yang.

Rodrigo Diaz

I think you guys missed it, but back in Volume 3, Blake also got stabbed by Adam in her stomach. That's what triggered Yang to jump in in a heat of rage towards Adam. So I guess maybe Yang feels as though that she cared more about Blake than Blake did her since she left. Just a thought that crossed my mine :)


This episode is where you truly get to see Weiss's character arc coming into its own. She started off with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, wanting to prove herself because her father always treated her like she was never good enough and to an extent, Winter's version of tough love may have made it worse, even if that isn't what Winter wanted. Soon after meeting Ruby, Weiss tells her to stop trying to show off, but in many ways that is exactly what Weiss is trying to do - she wants people to see her as exceptional. When she goes through all the ordeals back in Atlas following the Fall of Beacon, she truly comes to realize just how important her teammates have become to her - they accepted her, they treated her with true love and respect, they were the support that she had been lacking for so long and the experience humbles her. Now that she has that knowledge, Weiss is able to freely be herself and is far less guarded around them - she's still capable of being the Ice Queen, but she's also warm and nurturing like the one person in Atlas who has always been there for her, Klein. Weiss is very much the "Team Mom" now, wholesome and nurturing towards those she cares for, and she's still a badass on the battlefield too - there's a reason why she is so loved by the fans. Every character has their growth, but Weiss's is the most profound and can be very easily argued to be the most fulfilling to watch. Just think, you're only a little over half-way through the current Volumes - there's still plenty more development to go and I can't wait to see you continue down this path.


It's not just that Blake feels responsible and unworthy of forgiveness, she feels that her very presence puts her friends in danger. Sun calls her out for it in Volume 4 - she left for what she thought was a selfless reason, but nobody asked her to leave and she never even gave them an explanation... she rationalized it as being selfless, but in reality it was selfishly running from her problems. Sun even told her that it hurts her friends more than anything their enemies could do to them, and we see that reflected here with Yang - Yang didn't want her to leave, even after being severely wounded trying to save her.


yeah we saw in another episode that all the phones are that way. I think we mentioned something about it in another volume and just forgot haha


One thing that I like to remind myself is that Yang is dealing with this psychologically as well. Not only is the past affecting her emotions, but she has a constant and permanent reminder of Blake leaving, her arm. It shakes when she's anxious and perhaps that makes her more emotional and irritable