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Early access for our RWBY Volume 3 Chapter 7 Reaction


RWBY 3 7


Alex Smith

Love the little touches in this episode, like when Emerald blurs Cinder's face when Qrow shows up. Then the blood on Mercury's "injury" and Emerald saying two minds were a stretch to handle, pointing out that show was showing that blood to the two medical people.


"For the broken leg? We just take him outback and shoot him"

Beowolf Chow

TONS of little details. Cinder's first appearance is shot to show she isn't wearing her classic footwear in the beginning; it shows Amber's aura breaking and how she's still able to use magic. Perry the bespectacled White Fang member gets an appearance. Emerald and Mercury exchanging looks that show they think Adam is a joke, and enough instances of Emerald using her semblance that you can pick up on the sound effect from this point forward. Great framing and structure throughout the episode.

Serpent King

I've always wondered if the sound effect is actually real, or just for the audience.

Beowolf Chow

I've always considered them, and some of the visuals like Pyrrha's black aura around items she's manipulating with her semblance, to be mostly for the audience. Like, it took Mercury a minute to figure out that Pyrrha was adjusting his boots to miss her, and that wouldn't have been notable if her sound effects and visuals were there for everyone.