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Early access to our reaction for DBZA Episode of Bardock


DBZA Episode of Bardock



Couple of Fun Facts for this one... 1. This special was originally a tie-in with one of the video games and is completely non-canon. A large portion of the fandom, when it came out, just asked, "Why?" 2. Nick (Writer/Voice of Vegeta, etc.) was jokingly upset about this one. They did this abridged special before Season 3 started, and thus, before Vegeta went Super Saiyan. Because of that, of the 3 writers, Scott, Curtis, and Nick, Nick ended up being the last to go Super Saiyan. Scott plays Trunks, and Curtis plays Bardock, so they both got to go Super Saiyan before him. I'll admit, I do love that I'm supporting now (apologies if my financial situation changes and I have to undo it in the future), but I did enjoy watching these every couple of days. Maybe I'll still do so as time goes on, who knows.


Lol the funny thing is that this is about as true a story as the special it was tied in to. In the end none of it is canon, but it’s a fun story.


Not the favorite is about right for Episode of Bardock. As you probably caught from the abridged, it was an unwelcome addition to the original series that just made everything feel worse, aaand that's pretty much the whole joke. Honestly surprising they made it as funny as they did.


I was wondering if this was the reason Bardock had so many fans, but apparently it wasn't well received by the fandom. I'm a fan of Bardock about as much as I am a fan of Jor-El. They are important characters in their sons' histories, but I otherwise don't see their appeal beyond that. I enjoyed this episode quite a bit though


Aside from Bio-Broly, this may be the worst DBZ animated film. I do think TFS nailed it when they said this film was for the sake of merchandise since Bardock appeals to a lot of fans. Also, I believe this one came out long after Z and GT had wrapped up, but before Super was airing.


Thanks for sharing those fun facts! And very much appreciate the support of the channel. No worries if you can't do every month or are sporadic. Watching our videos on Youtube and commenting there is still much appreciated 🤗🥳

k c

Interesting... I enjoy lesser explored characters. It's really that simple. I also like coming up with moves for characters in a hypothetical game. I remember doing that for the original special, too. He did some cool stuff in this. And it can extend into his base form, as well.

k c

Extra uncanon. Well, canon in it’s own way☺️


Tfs did pretty well with this considering how this film was received initially. I do love the fact that Goku went Super Saiyan after losing Krillin, Trunks after losing Gohan, Vegeta after letting go of everything so he could truly feel anger, and then Bardock went Super Saiyan because of the absurdity of his situation lol

Jos M

Im glad that you were able to pick up on the fact i think this special wasnt as great as what they have prdocued. Its not bad, but its like weve already seen golden. Its hard to top Season 3 To be honest.


Yup. And from what others have said it seems like they did their best to make this special good since it wasn't that great to begin with 🤗