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Early access for our reaction to DBZA 50




Jennifer Sunderland

Vegeta and Trunks didn't just get stronger; Abridged kinda of glosses over it, but they've achieved actually achieved a new form of SSJ (which is what they set out to do in the Time Chamber). The fandom usually call it "Super Saiyan Grade 2". You might notice that Vegeta is absurdly muscular during this fight. That's not just a character redesign or a change in art style; he buffs up enormously when he transforms into Grade 2 and he's many, many times stronger than he is at Grade 1.


Fun Fact: "Bitch, I'm adorable" is another shirt that is available. I love how both of you started to panic as soon as Cell started boasting, knowing how Vegeta would react. Alongside the previously mentioned Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Final Fantasy 7 Machinabridged is also a great one. Probably would fit better on your DefinitelyNotDefinitive-Games channel, but it's a really fun time. I've never even played FF7, and I still have no desire to, but I love that show.


Gokus not arrogant, he just likes fighting. He wants to fight enemies at their strongest so that the fight is more of a challenge and more fun. While Vegeta is just arrogant and trying to prove himself

Skyler Van

When Vegeta said "Sure you can" it was a nice touch because it sounds like Shoryuken a Street Fighter move that's an uppercut. They did something similar with Frieza and King Vegeta with "sorry you can't".


“I trained all day yesterday” means he trained for a year since he was in the chamber. But cell doesn’t know that so it just sounds like Vegeta is making fun of him.

David Villalobos

Cell: How - how!? How did you get this strong?!! Vegeta: I trained all day yesterday. Timestamp: 4:13 Vegeta technically isn't lying here 🤷🏻‍♂️


Which is to say, they just got stronger. Also I've never seen anyone in the fandom refer to it that way. Which isn't to say you haven't, just that it's not as universal as you appear to think. Whatever name is opted for though, it literally is just them being stronger, it has even less nuance to it than Kaioken (which is at least technically dangerous to use).


Pure blooded Saiyan fathers are very special


Fun fact, Akira Toriyama initially did not like Vegeta at all, he was to be a one and done villain and it was speculated that Vegeta was to be killed off in the Saiyan Saga and stay dead, but Vegeta grew in popularity with the fan base because he became somewhat of an anti-hero which led to Akira Toriyama receiving an outpour of fan mail asking him not to kill off Vegeta, he did kill him off in the Freiza saga but was resurrected later, this was Akira's sense of humor since he did the opposite of what the fans asked of him.

Jennifer Sunderland

It's referred to as it's own form in the show. When Goku achieves it in the time chamber, both he and Gohan refer to it as a different form and enthuses that Goku has ascended beyond being a Super Saiyan. I won't say anything else because of spoilers. So yes, the show and the manga are both unambiguous that these are new forms of Super Saiyan. And and as for the 'grade 2' title, after doing a little background check to refresh my memory, I remembered it isn't even fan-made; it's what the form is called in the Daizenshu. It's the first variation of the Super Saiyan 1 form, and grade 2 (sometimes translated as "second grade") is actually the official name for it.


Which I won't contest. Nor change my response. It's just them being stronger, nothing changes (likewise won't say more because of spoilers). Insisting there is a change begs the question of what changed and the answer is: they're stronger and faster. Any potential modifiers other than that are not at play. And it makes sense that it's from the Daizenshu. Which despite being official, tends to be a pretty niche information source. It also explains why the community generally does not refer to it as such. Because most of the community doesn't even know what a Daizenshu is lol. Not sure why this information is important to get across to casual viewers when even most hardcore one's couldn't care less.


that reaction to gohan He did it! Aww... Owww!!! lol

Jennifer Sunderland

I honestly think that you're projecting your own disinterest and lack of reading up on the background lore onto others. Most people seem to know about the Grade 2 distinction, and understand that it's a different form from regular Super Saiyan (and it's even portrayed that way in the show, because Vegeta turns into it when confronting Cell, despite appearing as a regular Super Saiyan when he first arrives). Functionally, you're correct; it just makes them faster and stronger. But that's true of every single transformation in the show. So I don't quite understand why you're raising the objection that you are. Here's the fight where we see him transform; transitioning from the regular SSJ form into the Grade 2. It's clearly something different; it's a different power up; one Vegeta stops using in the future, because....well....let's just say he discovers a better way, for now. This is the only fight where we ever see Vegeta use this form, even when enraged. Every other time in the show he turns SSJ, he doesn't inflate to this same ridiculous amount. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNyLixNOv6Y&ab_channel=Let%27sbethegreatestyoutubertogether I guess my point is that I don't really understand what your objection is aside from a mentality of: "Nobody cares about this background information". Even though it's not really background information at all, and is pretty explicit in the actual show. It's only Abridged that glosses over it.

Calvin Boyce

The Super Saiyan transformation canonically alters your personality. It makes you extremely cocky and arrogant. Now imagine what it does to someone who is already like Vegeta?

k c

Spoilers: I always went with terms ascended super saiyan (for this) and ultra super saiyan (for the bulk). I still need to watch super for context on all the new forms. I’m “super” spoiled, though. In the games, they mesh Trunks’ SS and ASS forms. Vegeta’s gets it’s own transformation. Makes sense since Trunks fought in Ultra after Vegeta’s knockout.

k c

Lol you can still argue that that makes Goku arrogant. At least, in his own way. It’s a saiyan thing.

k c

How was Vegeta an anti-hero in the saiyan saga lol? Unless you meant the Frieza saga? Regardless, imagine DBZ without Vegeta…. *Shivers*


Deleted my response because honestly, this isn't a conversation worthy of anybody's time and while my opinion still differs from yours, it's not to the significance that justifies my arguing about it. My apologies.


yeah, typo, that was what I meant thanks for pointing that out.