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Early access to DBZA episode 44 reaction




King Rama

Cell is an absolute menace! lol and hilarious. Also, really loving the reactions! These have become a highlight of my month! When Krillin and Trunks found Gero's hidden lab and Krillin said, "we can't go down there, the ladder is broken," he's referencing "The Legacy of Goku" series of games that came out for the Gameboy Advance. There were ladders all over the place that you couldn't climb down because they were broken, even though they could fly lol


Cell honestly takes this show to the next level I think you guys will love the direction the story goes, and the culmination of the arc is the best writing from the team to the point where you just don't want it to end.


Wow dude you just unlocked a childhood memory of mine playing the games along with Buu's fury, I never caught that.

Zen Reacts

Cell is a very musical villain in DBZA its really fun

Jennifer Sunderland

The Cell arc is generally considered the best series of both DBA and the original show as well. The slow escalation of threat, where the story constantly throws curve balls at you just as you think you know what the real danger is, accumulating in Cell himself as the ultimate antagonist. It's also going have some of the best character growth for the main protagonists in the series. Just wait :)


I did not know you could make Imperfect Cell even creepier than he is in the anime. Think about this: Cell has Saiyan, and Namekian cells in his body (among other things). Think about how absolutely broken a Saiyan with Namekian regeneration would be. Then you have Frieza in there as well.

Chiro Magi

There's a super interesting flip of the script this season. While Season 2 was a race to the important Dragon Balls before the overwhelming bad guys got to them, Season 3 gives us a case where the heroes are usually a step above the villains. Dr. Gero, Cell, just a recurring theme of the villains needing to use cunning and wile to avoid fighting the heroes that are above their paygrade. Cell figured out right away that Piccolo when fused with Kami is no joke, a power so massive that even having access to all of those techniques couldn't even the playing field. But therein lies the problem... Cell is knocking out entire cities while concealing his power level, and we don't have Dragon Balls right now. If the heroes can't figure out how to catch him, just how far will the slaughter go?


Fun Fact, when trunks was looking at the schematics in the Team Four Star Abridged version when he mentions Lazuli and Lapis those are the android's real names with Android 18 named Lazuli and Android 17 named Lapis, however in the original version I don't believe it was ever mentioned or shown what their names were.

Jesse Alexander

After dbza yall have to do hellsing ultimate abrigded


Looking forward to it. Cell's introduction was perfect. It didn't have the great one liner like Trunks did for his entrance, but it was just as effective. 😀

Jennifer Sunderland

Oh, trust me, Cell is going to have no shortage of great one liners. But every single one of them is going to be chilling.

josie miles

How soon before you do 45 and the others? And you’ll probably like Cell after he transforms his personality a little bit different not quite as dark When he becomes Perfect Cell. But he’s still very funny


Don't spoil this amazing plot for them please 😌

josie miles

Sorry I try not to but even though they’re this far in. I was worried that they might have gotten a little discouraged watching Cell at the end of the 44th episode Because of his dark humor and innuendos. And not react As often going forward


We post on the 1st and 15th of each month. Usually 4 episodes at a time. Next batch may come sooner though since the 1st in on a Wednesday in February 😇


Cell's theme in this form is also a bit creepy. He's about as terrifying in the abridged as he is in the main series, but he's more delighted in his antics where as in the main series he's just a soft spoken parasite creeping along and absorbing people.