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Early Access to DBZA 32 Reaction




Chiro Magi

To reference back to the Cooler movie, at one point Goku makes a mistake regarding his name, saying "Cooler than Freezer? You must be ice cold!" To which Cooler replies that no, that would be his father. Yes, Frieza's father is literally named King Cold.


This specific Saga is one of my favorites in the show


Gotta love how the creators don't really care about the names so much. Not that they are bad names, just that they are the kind of names a kid would come up with when making a story. Which makes it endearing 😊

Jennifer Sunderland

Akira Toriyama loved names that were puns of themes. Bulma means "Bloomers" in Japanese. And her family are all named after undergarments. Her father is "Professor Brief" and her son is "Trunks". Her mother is named 'Bikini', but her name is never mentioned in the English dubs. Because while you can get away with calling a character the English word 'Bikini' in Japanese, when you translate that into English it's going to stick out a fair bit. She has a sister called Tights who doesn't appear in DBZ. All of the Saiyans are named after Vegetables; Vegeta, Nappa (Nappa is a breed of Japanese cabbage), Raditz (Raddish), Kakarot (Carrot), Broly (Broccoli). Interestingly, Trunks actually fills both criteria, as his name could be about underwear, about about plants (i.e tree trunks). The Ginyu force were all named after dairy products. Ginyu was a pun on the Japanese words for milk. Butrer (butter), Guldo is Japanese for 'yogurt', Juece (cheese), Recoome (the letters in his name could be rearranged to make the Japanese word for 'cream') There are a lot of others. Some of them are deeper than that, though. The kanji got Goku's name of Go and Ku could be read as 'understanding' and 'sky'. So his name means "Understanding the Sky". His second son, Goten, could have his kanji read as 'Understanding' and 'Heaven'. Meaning "Understanding of Heaven". Which implies that his son is a bigger deal than he is. Gohan had no such luck on the cool name front. His name means "rice dish". In his case, he's named after an old character from Dragonball, so it was Goku's name that was actually a pun on Gohan; making him a bigger deal than his grandfather (the original Gohan) in the same way Goten's name implies he's a bigger deal than Goku. Ironically, Goten proves to be a total disappointment and just spends time hanging around with Trunks and chasing girls. Gohan turns out to be the overachiever of the family.