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Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 14 Reaction


Clone Wars 314



Late to party but the reason they don't attack Dooku all at once is because Dooku is very good at his Lightsaber form and creating distance. Also together is harder than it looks because there's less breathing room there's only so much available space in a Lightsaber duel and you'd need decent coordination/teamwork like Obi-Wan and Anakin. Savage and Ventress didn't really have time to sync up nor work on their teamwork.


Np! FYI Dooku uses Form 2 AKA Makashi of Lightsaber combat and was a master of it. Before his fall to the darkside when he was still a member of Jedi Order; Dooku was considered a "prodigy" and was an extremely capable duelist. His only ever superior was Master Yoda and his only equal was Mace Windu at the time and that's saying something because Mace Windu is considered the Jedi Order's Champion and their best duelist during this era.

Knight Spearhead

Cant wait to see Darth Maul die again later :P