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Early ad-free access to our reaction for Metal Gear Rising Boss Themes



As for suggestions about videos/lore following cutscenes chronologically would be best as Metal Gear Solid's plot is already a crazy convoluted (but fun) ride as it is. If you're looking to know more about the characters shown in this video, a YTer called Meti not the Bad Guy has some solid breakdowns on a few of them.

Dank 280

There is actually a pretty funny exchange between the senator and raiden (Protagonist) where after delivering his diatribe on anarchy and survival of the fittest, raiden bewilderledly asks the senator "How the hell did you get elected?" to which he responds by saying "Well, I don't write my own speeches." Case and point, I would really recommend watching the raiden vs. Armstrong bossfight. It has to be one of the most bizarre but highly entertaining collection of scenes I have ever seen and i'm sure you'd get a kick out of it too xD