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I’m not sure how intentional it was but this episode does a really good job of showing how each member of the Schnee family has dealt with their abusive environment Willow (the mom, she’s not named in the episode) is clearly using drinking and passivity as a form of escapism, but she also clearly cares about her kids, despite knowing she hasn’t been a very good mother. Winter has clung to Ironwood as a father figure and represses her emotions. Weiss has a healthy support system in her team and other friends and so has been able to heal and grow. Whitley is sort of bitter. I think he’s coping by doing what’re he can to please his father.He clearly seems to blame Weiss for Klein being fired and he would have been the last person in the house he could count on as he seems to have basically raised the Schnee children, but by the was he constantly seems to try to cling to Weiss whenever she’s around he also just wants her attention. Also yes that is the Psych major in me over analyzing things .

Lyle Alsop

Abuse isn't easy to get away from for a lot of people

Alex Smith

Yea, I think that's a good point, that Whitley seems to hang around Weiss whenever he can. It would make a lot of sense if he just didn't know how to express himself and his desire to be around his sister and to get attention comes out as bragging and making jabs at her. I seriously doubt Jacque has ever hugged any of his kids, and even Willow probably hasn't shown any affection to her son in a long time. I think Whitley literally doesn't know how to act in a non snooty way.


I think what happened with Whitley was Weiss grew up following Winter and Willow was breaking. I think he's upset that his sisters kind of formed an alliance and then both left, leaving him alone or with his father the whole time.

Megan Saunders

And here's where the political intrigue begins to escalate further. We see the other Council members now, and Jacques has now even manipulated the situation further by inviting Robyn - who he "defeated" in the election, into the discussion to make himself seem more open and reasonable than Ironwood, who is still using "classified" and "discretion" instead of explaining himself. It's kind of a brilliant ploy on Jacques' part. Willow (Weiss' mother) did bring the wealth and name to the marriage, yes. In the World of Remnant short on the Schnee Dust Company, it was revealed that Jacques got himself hired in the company by Nicholas Schnee, Willow's father, and then started courting Willow, while at the same time finding ways to prove to Nicholas that he was the right person to handle managing the Company once Nicholas could no longer do the job. When Willow agreed to marry him (no doubt he was playing the charming, lovable fiancée to get what he wanted) he decided to take her name instead of having her take his name, which was Gelé. According to the RWBY Wiki: "His first name is the French equivalent of the name James, which originates from Jacob. This name means "someone who grasps at the heels" or "supplanter". His pre-marriage surname, Gelé, means 'frozen' in French." Then, once he got Willow, and later got Nicholas Schnee to name HIM the heir to the company instead of Willow, he basically had all the power at that point. I get the feeling that he only cared about Willow until she gave birth to a son, since it seems pretty obvious that he hasn't given a damn about her for years at this point, driving her into alcoholism. The fact that she felt it necessary to put up cameras also implies there may have been some threats of physical abuse. It's also possible that he has been abusing her, and she's been putting up with it for the sake of her children, but they only see the side of her that is an alcoholic now. We do know he has struck Weiss at least once, after all. As far as the age difference between the Schnee siblings, Winter is listed as being in her mid-20's, Weiss is 19 at this point in the story, and Whitley - based on appearance, I would wager is probably around 15 or 16, maybe 17 at the oldest. So there's not a huge difference in ages. Weiss did say in Vol 4 that Whitley never liked Winter or Weiss, and he acknowledges that - it seems like Whitley has never been close with his sisters. I would not be surprised if that was again due to Jacques' influence. A lot of men prefer to have sons to mold in their own image, so it's possible that Jacques spent a lot more time "grooming" Whitley to be his successor and was always looking for a reason to cut Winter and Weiss out of the inheritance. Winter choosing to join the military got her disinherited, and Weiss's rebellion at the party in Vol 4 and choice to become a Huntress got her disinherited. After that, the girls saw no reason to stay - they weren't close to Whitley, and he seems to have made no effort to reach out to them for help, so they escaped as best they could. Which left Whitley alone to take the full brunt of his father's manipulations, grooming and temper. Interesting that so far neither of you have really commented on Qrow - he's completely given up drinking at this point. I think Ruby's little speech near the end of Volume 6 about doing things "Our Way" and that she "had" good teachers was his slap-in-the-face wake-up call.


Penny is one of the highlights of this volume & the entire Atlas arc for me. They do a great job of making you empathize with her struggles & her innocence and good-hearted nature is unrivaled imo. I did appreciate the fact that when Winter realized Penny felt hurt she clarified that the reason she wouldn't understand is the fact this is personal for her and her experiences in that family are unique. Nothing to do with being an emotionless robot... no one would understand except maybe for her siblings. And in the end Penny doesn't understand why Winter would want to suppress her emotions. For her they're something to be cherished, what makes you human. They have a very interesting dynamic...


I agree with all of this and was thinking it was really exploring the impact of a dysfunctional family (stemming mainly from Jacques) on everyone else. He did marry into the Schnee name and even took the name, essentially supplanting Willow -- I don't think we know Willow well enough to really understand everything, but she's clearly broken by this stage and feels completely helpless, and Jacques is such a manipulative and overbearing creep it really could be a case where if Willow leaves, she loses literally everything including her own family heritage. And if her kids are her prime motivation, well, her daughters have abandoned the family (which Willow likely blames herself for) and now she might feel like Whitley is becoming a mini-Jacques and she can't help him either. We can tell she feels immense guilt over being a bad mom, aside from the drinking, when she reminds Weiss that she left Whitley there "with us." She blames herself and Jacques for how the family is fallen apart. But there is some fire in her, she did set up the cameras to do what she could, and she is still encouraging Weiss to not give up on Whitley. Under the right circumstances, she might find something in herself again -- if she is anything like her daughters, she has something resilient in her. Lots of the same things about Whitley. He's still a teenager, he's emulating his same-sex role model, and he feels abandoned by everyone. Jacques is honestly the only person he has left, even if he inwardly loathes him, the only source of strokes he is really getting with Willow so unavailable. He does fixate on Weiss when she shows up, like the pesky brother -- and like pesky brothers, this often expresses itself as teasing or criticism, as he doesn't really know how to engage her versus acting in a manner similar to his father. Time (and future events) will tell as to whether he can move beyond all of this. I really like the time spent between Penny and Winter. They seem so different, but their conversations are always good, and even if their perspectives often disagree, it is more like iron sharpening iron, rather than any dislike. They expose each other to alternate viewpoints and are learning from each other. In some ways they are just flip sides of each other -- the human fighting to suppress her own emotions, versus the machine wanting desperately to feel and understand emotions. They are beautiful counterpoints.


The phrase money can't buy happiness is the theme of the Schnee family. By the time this season is done I promise you won't be able to stop recording until you finish the seasons. Everybody yell it with me! BINGE! BINGE! BINGE! BINGE! BINGE!


Ages of the Schneee siblings: Witley - 15 Weiss - 19 Winter - 25

Coleman Mavity

This is a reference to a theory called the 4 Fs of Trauma Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn. How each of the 4 responds to the Trauma that is Jacques Schnee. Weiss has done her best to fight back and overcome, Winter ran away and joined the military and can be seen avoiding him as much as possible. Willow froze, turning to substance abuse. And Whitley represents Fawn, turning into and trying to emulate the abuser in an attempt to appease them and avoid further abuse. I could expand on this greatly but others have done this already. You can google Schnee and the 4 Fs of Trauma. Some swap Weiss and Winter as Weiss did leave for another continent, but I prefer this interpretation.

Kierston Bell

I didn't realize this episode and the next wasn't together


Even if Witley wasnt an infant when Weiss (and Winter) Left, that still means at a very young preteen (possibly young teen) boy was left to deal with his alcoholic mother and VERY controlling father by himself. He may not have been a baby or anything, but that environment is still very damaging. I may not like Witley, but I certainly don't blame him for becoming like his negative influences.


Whitley said in a past episode. "it is foolish not to do what father wants". after both winter and wiess left he was the only one left in that house to bear their father abuse. and the only way to endure is to become what his father wants him to be.


In case it is not clear at the end why the rain turn into snow. DR watts turned off the heating grid. which was melting the snow to make rain. Jauques gave Watts his password in order to win the election. and weiss said the heating grid runs in partner ship with the schnee dust company.

Marcel Hoyt

Can't wait for you guys to see the final 3 episodes and comment 😁