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Early ad-free access to our Youtube edit reaction for Dragon Ball Super 48


Michael Glover

"Masenko" that Trunks yells out for that attack is one of Gohan's moves that Future Trunks learned in this timeline years ago when training with Gohan

Jason Rogue

Timelines and dimensions are two entities. Timelines are the same universe just different events. Dimensions can be completely different, they can have some similarities but different people, events, everything. Masenko, Gohan since he was a kid learned it from Piccolo, it's his Kamehameha. Goku has the Kamehameha. Vegita has Galik Gun and Final Flash. Gohan has Masenko. Piccolo has Special Beam Cannon and Hellzone Grenade. Trunks has Burning Attack. All their signature attacks.