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VR/AR headsets have been around for a while now, and while they serve their niche well, they haven't seen mass adoption. But Apple's entry into the market is much more encompassing...and it creeps me out.



Tim Johnsen

The dev story is pretty compelling. I’ve been opposed to AR/VR, but the fact that it runs *all* iOS and iPadOS apps may sway people to buy it.

Alan Grassia

I had been holding out for Apple to release an AR/VR product. The price is definitely giving me pause about buying one. The thing to keep in mind here is that Apple Vision pricing *starts* at $3499. That leads me to believe that there will be the usual good/better/best options for things like storage and RAM options just like iPhone. Colin mentioned the extra cost for the glasses inserts. What would be the cost for other accessories like a spare batter pack (not sure if that will be an option) or an extra strap that goes over the top of you head? I also feel that the conversation about Internet or social media addition should be a real concern. I’m not a heavy social media user, but I see the point Colin is making strapping on a device to your face asks being always connected. Anyone else feeling FOMO if they don’t order one?