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Growing up, I was surrounded by music -- but a lot of it wasn't to my taste. But years later I'm finding myself giving those artists and albums another shot, just to find that it's much better than I had ever given it credit for.




There is a bit of stuff I didn't like as a kid. REM, anything rappy, ballads. Many of which are now in my regular rotation (I have flacs on my phone, I am considered oldschool really!) On the topics of grandpa, mine used to play this accordian music in his car, those tapes I didn't keep no matter what sentiment they held! But I (still) have his LaGloria radiogram. (He passed in 1994)


It's funny, because I'm discovering at a fairly young age here (I have 18 years to my name) that a lot of music I remember as mediocre isn't so. It's incredibly odd, considering I basically ended up where I started. I can remember a lot of classic albums like the Beach Boys and the Beatles on regular rotation. I was young enough to not really know the difference between what I liked and what I didn't, so all music was exciting. As I reached middle school, I found myself sucked down the weird niche rabbit hole that is EDM. I ended up with some really weird music tastes (that I'm not so fond of currently). I still listen to some electronic music, but the pandemic gave me a lot of time to explore other genres. I ended up with a massive collection of city pop FLACs. It's slowly creeped into my other tastes as well, but I'd consider "adult contemporary" to be one of the major food groups of my musical meals.