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This was the first iteration of Apple's e-mail/file sharing cloud service called .mac. Users would get an e-mail address ending in @mac.com, which to some Apple diehards is considered a badge of honor. The box just contains an activation code and cost $99 for a year's worth of the service. .mac didn't do very well and turned into MobileMe (which offered @me.com addresses), and eventually morphed into the iCloud service we know today. Third time's a charm, eh?

Anyway, no video this week -- the project for it made an unexpected turn at the very end, which involved buying more stuff from Japan, and will take a little while to arrive. The project for next week's video is thankfully coming along nicely, but also a bit more involved than I had expected, so that'll be a pretty long episode.




My Dad has the box for .Mac along with a @mac email.